Last week I told myself I was fixing up. I decided to concentrate on one main thing and not give up on it. And alhamdulillah, with this one thing I was able to be more mindful of other things too - I was doing well and it boosted how I was feeling spiritually. Overall I felt happier.
But then, at the back of my mind, my nafs kept telling me to start wasting time by watching random stuff, or just doing something that wasn't so religious. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't spending all my time trying to be a perfect Muslim but as I was more mindful I just felt I needed to do things differently and tried to concentrate on that, to some extent.
Although I had given in to my nafs before, it wasn't to my usual extent. But trying so hard to improve began to tire me out and bore me. One night I had quite a philosiphical convo with a friend who doesn't usually talk about this stuff. And although I felt quite peaceful, I also felt tired of talking about it too. I doubt that makes any sense, right?! How can you get tired of talking about something that makes you feel good?!
I dunno.
And last night I just wanted to waste time watching a load of tv or something (I didn't though) but I did have a dream which was pretty disturbing! Not in horror-film style, more because it reminded me of a sin that haunts me. And today (well technically yesterday) I carried on with my goal and physically I may have succeeded but mentally I'm deflated.
There's hadith which say that Allah runs to you when you walk to him. And there's the saying that Islam isn't hard but we make it hard for ourselves.
But how do we do that?
I tried not trying to be all perfect and went for one thing to improve on. And yh I'm still at it, but a simple thought, simple weakness of the nafs has made me go back to my old ways, that is why I'm up at this stupid time, too!
woah! is that the time?
all i can say is that i feel pretty much exactly the same way...but only really recently for some reason.
Allah knows best, the only way i can keep my spirits up is by remembering that after hard times comes ease.
tbh honest i was just thinking about procrastinating too... i don't know why but lately i've been taking one step forward and then sometimes 2 steps back again :/
here i am thinking about how i need to fix up but that's as far as i get, just a thought. sometimes i may hear, read or remember something to give me an imaan boost but it's temporary.
i don't know what it is, maybe just a phase, best to stay positive me thinks. whenever i do slip up, which i'm bound to do, i'm gonna try my best to turn back insha Allah...don't ever want to think about giving up.
i've got to mention though, lately it seems my bad deeds are taking me closer to Allah than when i perform good deeds. i know that may sound strange but it usually gives me a boost to do good deeds, probably the guilt.
all i can do is have faith in Allah and know that the fault is in me...insha ALlah it's just another learning curve.
May Allah guide you and me both to the straight path, may it be a means of making us stronger. Ameen
make dua for me too please
Assalamu alaikum
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
nice blog. i feel like this ALL the time. trying to fight nafs IS emotionally draining...and sometimes ikinda just sNAP and will (just like you) watch a load of TV and go TOTALLY CRAZY. that usually happens when im on my period..its like this HHUUUUUGE dip in faith and it'll take me half the next month to come back up. its really horrible.
i think we made it hard for ourselves by first developping an atachment to that thing that we're trying to give up/change. if we hadnt develop that attachment in the first place then it wouldnt have been so hard giving it up no?
when im feeling low and feel like watching a load of stuff and browsing youtube or something i just remember that the people of jannah, their only regret will be that they didnt worship Allah all the time and just left time go past. and i think abt the thing im about to watch and WHATS THE POINT of watching it. usually there is no point and it aint worth it. and i find that that helps.
keeping yourself busy with other stuff helps too. it doesnt have to be religious stuff coz the transition might be hard but like...making revision notes or going over day's work or something, and then reading a book/religious book, reading some Quran can come in for a lil while. keeping oneself busy basically. and taking steps so you dont have the opportunity to do the stuff you're trying not to do. for me its not using laptop in my room. so i just try and go downstairs and stay with family.
and i believe there's a hadith that goes if you keep somethign up 40 days then inshaaAllah it'll become a habit. so keep it up girl! but our nafs is really really really strong... something you thought you totally gave up on will suddenly pop up and without you knowing HOW you'll be in the middle of doing that thing and somehow you'll just be telling yourself that its okay, or just numbing your brain while you're doing it. (maybe telling yourself that its okay for a lil while or something)
ive personally experienced all this stuff and tried all this stuff. battle of the wills. in reality.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Taken from here
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Thanks for the replies, guys
Much appreciated. Nice to know, I'm not alone in the struggling, as well! 
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
have you guys ever wondered about relaxing your mind?