The Pied Piper's blog

Two Destroyers of the Heart

Hakimul Ummah, Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahimahullah) said:

In our day and age, audacity and boldness in committng sins has become widespread, which is a very dangerous thing. There are some sins which people are involved in more than others. People consider those sins as insignificant. One of those detrimental sins is lustful glances. This is such a sin, that let alone the general layperson, even the elite are involved in it. They are involved in this sin in spite of the fact that they know it is extremely detrimental and damaging to the imaan and eventually leads to obscenity and shamelessness.

500 Years of Worship

Angel Jibrail (as) told Rasulullah (peace be upon him) the follwing incident about a man in the past who worshipped Allah Ta'ala continuously for 500 years. He was granted a shelter on top of a mountain that was surrounded by salty water. However, Allah caused a stream of sweet water to flow through the mountain for that individual. The man would drink from this water and use it to make ablution. Allah Ta'ala also raised a pomegranate tree from which the man would eat one fruit every day.
