
A wise man once said to me:

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth,
so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.
To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again.
To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."


So this got me thinking....

If I want my kids to be a certain way, I need to get them to think that that is the "norm"

How can I do that? Clearly telling them about it is not going to be enough. Me acting the way I want them to act is a better method. But I'm not the only person they spend time with. Which brings me back to my first question - how can I do that?


The most important thing is to act in a way that you want them to act. So, you've already done that! It's good because your showing that it applies to every family member regardless of age and your setting an example to them! Actions do speak louder than words and words can enter one ear and exist the other, so they don't always work. But one thing to remember is from a young age, you should drill it into their head that 'Daddy is always right', whether he is in your company or not!



tell them how the other ways are wrong. read them stories of the companions of the prophet (pbuh) and the previous prophets. point out their awesomeness.


i want my kids to, when ask who they wanna be like, not answer superman or batman, but something like Bilal. this kid said that. that's amazing.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

tell them how the other ways are wrong. read them stories of the companions of the prophet (pbuh) and the previous prophets. point out their awesomeness.


i want my kids to, when ask who they wanna be like, not answer superman or batman, but something like Bilal. this kid said that. that's amazing.

Can you get kids story books about the awesomeness of the prophets?

I don't rally want to read the encyclopedia style books to them. They'll get bored and fall asleep.

I do alternate between playing the Quran reciting a fun kiddie info CD. They listen to these as they fall asleep. But it's really about the awesomeness of anyone really...

I'll have a look on Amazon. Or does anyone know any good islamis websites?


i'd say check out darussalaam. but yeah, books are a bit complicated. you'll ahve to wing it, change words here and there and tell the jist of the story in your own words.

you need to revise first!

then there's goodwordz kids. they can be a bit dodgy sometimes so i;d advice to be careful when buying books. try the stories from the quran ones. those might be more authentic.


you need to feel the awesomeness to make them feel it. that's the only way.

for olderish kids who like reading there's this set of stories of the companions. real colourful and enough depth

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Thanks. That's sooooooooooo helpful.

I'll brush up on my own knowledge first then get the kids on it.

Or really - we could do it together. That might be a better idea.

Yeah - that's what I'll do. Get the material and go on a learning journey together with the kids.

Me and Son of NS can read a page each and Daughter of NS can listen while Wife of NS is at the gym.

I love it when a plan comes together.