Last Year…
1000’s of animals were sacrificed on your behalf in countries around the world. Meat was distributed in packets. As a result 1000’s of people who are too poor to consume meat were given a chance to incorporate the nutritional benefits of fresh meat into their diet. This year Minhaj Welfare Foundation is performing Qurbani’s {cows, sheep, and goats} in 18+ Countries Worldwide.

When asked by the companions ‘what is qurbani?’ The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘It is the practice of your father lbraheem (AS).’ They asked again, ‘What benefit do we get from it?’ He answered, ‘A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal).’ ‘And (what reward is there for animals with) wool, O RasulAllah?’ they asked. ‘A reward’, he said, ‘for every fibre of the wool.’

By the grace of Allah Almighty the month of Zhul Hijjah is soon approaching us. As you are all aware in this blessed month the traditional sacrifice which commemorates the events of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail (May Allah Almighty send Salam upon His Prophets) will take place. It is a day of celebration and remembrance of Allah. Yet not all of us are in a position to enjoy this day and it is the duty of the more fortunate amongst us to help those less fortunate. Every Muslim who can afford to buy an animal is required (WAJIB) to make Qurbani.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation carries out the largest congregational sacrifice in Pakistan and this year MWF will distribute the meat to the poor and impoverished in the deprived areas. This year’s Qurbani appeal will be focused on the ongoing project of Aghosh, an Orphan care home project catering for 500 Orphans. In addition to sacrifice taking place in Pakistan, this year MWF UK will be performing Qurbani in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Afghanistan, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh and many other countries.

Why perform your Qurbani with MWF?
1. There isn’t any other NGO that has a larger collective sacrifice than MWF in Pakistan.
2. The meat is distributed only to the poor, impoverished and orphans.
3. The Qurbani takes place over three days. 1000’s of volunteers givet heir valuable time to help with sacrifice and meat-distribution to the needy.
4. Strong volunteer force in places like Bangladesh, Kashmir, etc.

So Many Ways to Donate
1. By Credit Cards please ring: Please ring 01282 -- 723456
2. On line donation:
3. By cheque payable to: MWF, 12 Carr Rd, Nelson, Lancs. BB9 7JS
4. Direct payment into account: any branch of HSBC: sort code: 40-15-17 account no: 21651803
5. Swift Code: MID LGB 22
6. Iban No: GB95 MIDL 4015 1721 6518 03 (for international donors)

Ground Breaking Delivery: Minhaj Welfare Foundation
1. 580+ Schools & Colleges in 10 Years.
2. 28,283 FREE Eye-Checks & Operations in 10 Years.
3. Expert International Emergency Relief Work.
4. Management of 2nd Largest Collective Itekaaf in the World.