Diary of a Badman exCrew & Muhammad Abdul Jabbar speaks out



Hmmm..where do i start?

I think Humza's made some extremely good points in his response to the video and i think he's actually done the right thing.

He hasn't tried to point fingers at them and focus on their flaws, rather he's taken a more Islamic response by asking for forgiveness to all those he may have offended.

He's just like any of us, rectifying our mistakes. I didn't seem to hear his opening and ending 'theme tune' but he ended his video with an arabic nasheed which shows, so far, that he's defineatly trying to improve and he has listened to what others have said.

Well done, Humza, for being patient and not erupting, that's all. And May Allah always guide him and everyone of us on the straight path.



ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:

People keep going on about the whole "relating to the youth" business but I think that's a bad excuse. 

At the end of the day, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) didn't do haraam to make people feel like they could relate to him and then change. He used love, and kindness and showed people the beauty of Islam to attract them to it. He showed them they could be better than what they are and made them see what they were doing was bad, through his actions etc. He didn't act anything out! 

The sahabah struggled too - take for example that hadith which mentions one of the sahabi looking at a female and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) just made him look down. They were human too, and they found ways to deal with issues, bring both the youth and the old who were stuck in their ways to change, and completely revolutionalise their lives.

They didn't need to swear and act like they have gf's or whatever. 

We maybe in completely different times, but the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was for all times; his teachings and the methods he used. Let's try to use them.


(And when I said I wouldn't reply, I meant to You, who kept making me basically repeat the same comment! Blum 3 )

That's a bit much to ask for a human to copy the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in every way possible.

We're all human and here to learn, and Hamza set out with good intentions, had some his major issues, had them pointed out to him, took the advise on board and has said he will better himself going forward.

The system's working fine as far as I can see?

I still stand by my statement that he was "relating to the youth", if he makes too many changes now, he'll lose the attention of the rudeboy wannabe crowd and they'll be back to lost.

If you were him, made those mistakes, and were advised what he was advised, how would you proceed without losing the attention of the audience?


Titanium wrote:

OK this is pathetic... who's the imam giving the khutbah? has he heard of entertainment at all? 

Quite franly i don't think he has. Is he defineatly an Imam, 100%? I thought he was simply: Muhammad Abdul Jabbar.

Titanium wrote:

Just do your thing and others will do their thing! 

Maybe he just thought of it as being responsible. Err--

But i totally diagree with his approach. I prefer Humza's, similar to what i would have done, had i been in that position.


Well as i said, it was talked about everywhere..

I did watch about 5 episodes and from the 6th onwards i had to force myself to watch it, for the sake of it..


Northen Southener wrote:

That's a bit much to ask for a human to copy the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in every way possible.

We're all human and here to learn, and Hamza set out with good intentions, had some his major issues, had them pointed out to him, took the advise on board and has said he will better himself going forward.

The system's working fine as far as I can see?

I still stand by my statement that he was "relating to the youth", if he makes too many changes now, he'll lose the attention of the rudeboy wannabe crowd and they'll be back to lost.

If you were him, made those mistakes, and were advised what he was advised, how would you proceed without losing the attention of the audience?

It is our life's journey to attempt to emulate the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) though we will never be able to do that. We are human and we make mistakes and we are weak. All I'm saying is we should *try*. If we try to call people to Islam in a way which is not allowed in Islam, we will surely fail. And yes he may be trying to relate to people, but the fact is some of the stuff he said and done IS wrong. I have already said I don't think Humza had the wrong intentions and that I liked his response vid and the fact even he awknowledged not everything he did was not right and is trying to change. Kudos to him. May he continue to improve and lead others onto the sraight path too. Ameen.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

just one thing.

lots of the stuff abdman did in his vid was wrong. Islamically.Thats that.


now...where the divide seems to be is "is this wrong okay for the greater purpose?" some say no. some say yes.

in a perfect world. the perfect answer would be no.

but it seems for SOME people it HAS helped. So inshaaAllah he will be rewarded for this.

then there's an internal debate between the excrew vs badman. i think us the public should stay out of it. it's just oging to be blown out of proportion if we get involved.

As Foysol said. Muhammad Abdul Jabbar tried to make dawah. sometimes you hit soemtimes you miss.


I'd say he should remove those vids so as not to get any more sin. and if he wants to make anymore, he should take into account all the feedbacks he got. which he seems to have done. so let's see what the future hold.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

'Indeed all actions are based on intentions and for every person is what he intends. Whoever's migration is towards Allah and his messenger, then, his migration is towards Allah and his messenger. Whoever's migration is towards some wordly gain which he can acquire or a woman he will marry, then, his migration is towards what he has intended'.

(Bukhari and Muslim)


I don't think anyone is questioning his intentions but the fact that he is possibly leading people the wrong way - therefore making them think certain things are alright when they're not.

When your actions are impacting others then the action does matter...

I think that's why the crew felt they needed to speak out as they were influencing others despite their good intentions.


Ok I really need to stop commenting.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

See, why I think his intention is so important is......

I think those "x crew" lot are jealous and spoke a little too prematurely.

Like I said before, this series was not about telling people how to live their lives, but more a case of "setting the scene"?

Well, even if it wasn't intended to be like that originally, that's what it's become and that's where he can take it from here is he wants.

His actions are influencing others, but is that really a bad thing?

To me what that says is, he is a leader rather than a sheep.

And with that kind of influence at his disposal, he can lead his "sheep" any which way he likes.

So rather than waste time making "hate videos" it would be a more constructive use of time and recource if the "x crew " and their mullah work WITH Hamza rather than try to cause divisions.

Like someone said, the Prophet s.a.w spread the deen with love (hate videos are not love)?

So rather than saying to Hamza "the Prophet s.a.w didn't do what you're doing so stop it!!" a better approach would surely be to say "the Prophet s.a.w spead the word with love so we will too"?

See the Hypocracy?


@: Northern Southener..

Remember how you said you were searching for DOABM and happened to find this site.. I'm curious to know why 'you' were looking for that in the first place..


Well, I work in Finance and everyone knows the profession with most suicides is Finance.

It's not for any reason other than "the jobs in Finance are extremely BORING"

So rather than sit there feeling sorry for myself and letting the suicidal tendancies brew, I occupy myself on Google during those boring hours minutes days and weeks that lead up to the Month End excitement (which usually last only a few days).

During one of my "occupy myself on Google" sessions, I was looking for DOABM as my little cousin had asked the day before if I'd seen all the hate videos about it.

And the rest is history....

So, why are you curious to know? Do you think my real name is Hamza?


Northen Southener wrote:

See, why I think his intention is so important is......

I think those "x crew" lot are jealous and spoke a little too prematurely.

Like I said before, this series was not about telling people how to live their lives, but more a case of "setting the scene"?

Well, even if it wasn't intended to be like that originally, that's what it's become and that's where he can take it from here is he wants.

His actions are influencing others, but is that really a bad thing?

To me what that says is, he is a leader rather than a sheep.

And with that kind of influence at his disposal, he can lead his "sheep" any which way he likes.

So rather than waste time making "hate videos" it would be a more constructive use of time and recource if the "x crew " and their mullah work WITH Hamza rather than try to cause divisions.

Like someone said, the Prophet s.a.w spread the deen with love (hate videos are not love)?

So rather than saying to Hamza "the Prophet s.a.w didn't do what you're doing so stop it!!" a better approach would surely be to say "the Prophet s.a.w spead the word with love so we will too"?

See the Hypocracy?

I've said both were wrong! And I was also the one who said the Prophet spread his message with love (I think lol). So Yh basically I think they both have the right intentions but aren't doing it 100% correctly. MashaAllah it's great they're trying at all! And I can see Humza has changed his latest vid a bit and *is accepting* he has to change a few stuff. That is great!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Northen Southener wrote:

Well, I work in Finance and everyone knows the profession with most suicides is Finance.

It's not for any reason other than "the jobs in Finance are extremely BORING"

So rather than sit there feeling sorry for myself and letting the suicidal tendancies brew, I occupy myself on Google during those boring hours minutes days and weeks that lead up to the Month End excitement (which usually last only a few days).

During one of my "occupy myself on Google" sessions, I was looking for DOABM as my little cousin had asked the day before if I'd seen all the hate videos about it.

And the rest is history....

So, why are you curious to know? Do you think my real name is Hamza?

Aaaahh.. No, i don't think Hamza's your name (Well it could be, who knows! But i doubt it..) And err-- i thought about your age and the audience of DOABM, and tried to make a connection! Wink


I understood it ALL. I do have access to Google you know...!!!!! Wink

I think "a mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it" cos if you learn from it, it's part of your lifes learning curve - not a mistake?

And as we haven't yet seen how he's going to proceed with this new found knowledge we don't know anything.

So let's leave this conversation where it is and then pick up again in years time when we know what he's done with the advice.

(if I'm still alive by then, I am getting on a bit already)


Northen Southener wrote:

I think "a mistake is only a mistake if you don't learn from it" cos if you learn from it, it's part of your lifes learning curve - not a mistake?

+ 1 Yeah, i totally agree with this. I like the way you've worded it!


Narrated Umar bin Al Khattab: “People were (sometimes) judged by the revealing of a Divine Inspiration during the lifetime of Allaah's Apostle صلى الله عليه وسلم but now there is no longer any more (new revelation). Now we judge you by the deeds you practice publicly, so we will trust and favor the one who does good deeds in front of us, and we will not call him to account about what he is really doing in secret, for Allaah will judge him for that; but we will not trust or believe the one who presents to us with an evil deed even if he claims that his intentions were good.”[Sahih al-Bukhari Vol. 3 Book of Witnesses, Hadith # 809]

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Who's "we"? Just out of interest?


Isn't there another Hadith saying that actions are judged by intentions?

Also the hypocrite looks for faults, and the believer looks for excuses, maybe we should consider that.


Regarding DOABM, is Humza a flawed character? Yes.

 Are we all flawed? Yes.

 Does he get better as the series progresses? Yes, clearly. So maybe we should accept that Humza, the character is slighlty exagerated and not meant to be taken too literally.


 I watched Muhammad Abdul Jabbar's speech, I stopped half way through, because I got sick of the slandering, the misinterpretation and hypocrisy, to be completely honest.

I loved Humza's response to it though, he accepted his mistakes, kept his chin up and restrained himself.

 It kind of reminds me in DOABM 7, where he chooses not to kill the guy.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

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Is Badman still creating videos or did it die out?


i think he's still around, saw a vid around ithink.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
