LookingToSee's blog

calling yourself something

should you call yourself something, even if the true meaning of that something has been lost. and if people didnt know the real meaning and just looked around to get a definition of that something they would get the wrong definition?

should you call yourself something if by calling yourself that you will be attached to certain people who dont actually agree with?

i would be an annoying little brat if i decided not to call myself anything.

I'm losing myself

Its quite scary to be honest...
losing yourself...one weird expression wouldnt you agree? i mean, you right there! flesh, bones, brains, how can you "loose yourself"?

but anywhow..im not going to add ANOTHER unanswerable question to my list...

this is the way i feel. I just dont know what i stand for, where i stand, why,

I've said a few times here that "i like the me now" well actually...i cant remember what is it about me i like =/ i havent started hating myself, but it feels like if i dont remember whats so good about me soom then i will [start hating myself]

oh...one scary thought...right here... [up there]

im thinking its the whole NEW thing. Everything is NEW, new friends, new school, new routine. I'm guetting lost in it all! (this sounds so silly...)

Game Making

Im going to try and make a matching game for this project im doing.
its a looong project [8 weeks i believe] and at the end we need to present our research and topic.

topic of my group = sins and their punishment

so we were thinking about having a matching game with sins and punishment.

im about to download this http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/games/matching/index.htm

got any advice? warning? anything?

what was I saying? oh yeah...cute...

[in the lunch queue, friends didnt know i was fasting]
Me: im not eating...
Friends: why?! no! you must eat!
Me: (tries to get away quietly) i need to do some sociology work...
Friends: We'll eat fast!
Me: o.o! ohh no! [im fasting] (starts to walk away)
Friend: ohh! you're so cute!!
Me: Dyou want me to get off this wall and come and beat you up?!

Friend: euh..actually i wouldnt mind, you'll still be cute.

and this was just today...and that i can remember...

