in your everyday life, are you more of a dreamer, your feet touching down on reality every once in a while whenever needed but you're mostly up there in the clouds thinking about places to be and things to do?
or are your feets firmly rooted in reality and you know exactly whats going on around you all the time?
whats the opposite of reality? is it dreams?
I think i qualify as a dreamer, theres nothign to qualify for, and ive never been in anyone else's mind so I dont know if there's an opposite or different state of mind to the "dreaming" one I'm in most of the time. so really, the first two queston i asked are not the only category that exists probably. If you know more about state of minds then please do share.
back to being a dreamer, ive let my dreams run ahead of myself those past few days and i've done it the past too. what i've learnt is that its not a good thing, and you have to be careful. I can get so lost in a dream i miss out on reality.
i think the above applies to anyone, not just someone who's head is mostly in the cloud. anyone with a dream, thats pretty much everyone, just a word of advice from personal experience; be careful your dream doesnt make you miss out on the things that's going on around you. family time, siblings growing up, friends etc... i dont think it happens to most people though, still, better safe than sorry. and thats one thing ive learnt so i thought i'd share it
i cant help it, i run away to dreamland every time reality gets too intense or too difficult or too in my face. i dont know if theres anyone on Earth who feels that way or acts that way; i wonder if anyone will get this blog.
i wish i didnt do that though, i wish i didnt run away to dreamland. when i've got things to do, my mind is busy and kept engaged by reality then i do stay in reality and im happy and its great!
another thing i've learnt from letting our dreams take over, when we wake up from them, when we come back to reality, life, is exactly the same as we've left it. we've stepped nowhere TOWARDS our dream or whatever it is wewant. we've probably even taken a step back. yep, dreaming about our dream can take you steps BACKWARDS. that im sure of.
any psychological something jumps to mind when you read this? anything islamic? post here.
I have nothing useful to add. Just read the whole thing out of interest xD
Dreams are only a temporary state of mind so if you try to run faster than you can walk, you're most likely to step backwards? Lol if reality get's too stressful and intense for me I head for the nearest pillow.
Dreamer V Realism.. I suppose its something worth thinking about. Might actually come back to this at a more humane time.
didnt expect much reply lol..pretty crazy blog lol. just thoughts and opinions.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Hmm.. what am i?
I can be a dreamer at times (it's a nice feeling) but i'm not that high up in the clouds. I float back down soon enough.
I'm actually very realistic to be honest, well that's what i think of myself anyway. What do you think i am?
I like being realistic, it helps me to not get upset when a dream crashes, is stopped or postponed.
If i know something has the possibility of occuring (if i live long enough) then that thing becomes a dream.
Then when i have achieved that, i realise that dreams can come true and i begin to develop and work towards a new dream. Tis how i role.
My most recent dream is to travel the world with my best-est friend. But i will begin by limiting it to one country because that sounds more realistic.
Once that is complete we will travel to country number two, then three and so on. This world is a big place. Very big infact.