Its not going ot be anything article worthy. just a quick thought i had today.
why would you EVER date a guy in secondary school or college?!
they are soooo not worth it.
they're stinky, weird, sport crazy, acne ridden, did i mention stinky? they talk weird, they word to describe it. and MORE IMPORTANTLY. they are FRICKING BROKE!
its beyond me why any girl would date a guy still in school.
let girls be girls and develop into awesome girls. let boys be boys, get some confidence, some height, some muscles, lose the spots, learn to speak (again) and get a job.
then in uni or whatever let them meet and be happy. married.
that emote is pretty funny..and no! course im not saying that. and you know it. no dating. there's no need for it. there really isnt. school girls dont even know who they are. why would you tangle yourself with someone else's life too.
school should be abt self development and attainment. and with no other aim then self development/attainment.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I can't speak on behalf of every teenage girl around but maybe it's because 'that' age group is the only one they interact with, so are destined to fall for some secondary school guy! Or, they might think that guys their own age, understand them best, because they know what they're going through? I don't know. It's just the way it is?
Err- im in all girls school too, but i DO NOT fancy any of them! (Am i interpretting what you said in the wrong way?)
Its natural to fancy and have crushes.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Oh, really? I have four days left in school! I might like certain qualities people have, but thats with everyone, regardless of whether they're in your school or not.. But, fancy them?!
but hey. it dont happen to all girls. so dont worry. just..that it happens.. thats all we're saying.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
And i will wait for such a day, seems unlikely at the moment..
Well, i won't bee!
I'm sure I have more important things on my mind..
LOL, stinky and broke..
I guess girls fall for guys and guys fall for girls
You know, sort of a 'mutual' relationship, obviously it doesn't necessarily have to be long-term
I don't know actually :S
then why did thy open thy mouth in the first place?! who FALLS FOR STINKY AND BROKE? thats like... going blind!
somehow..i cant imagine all those guys "falling" for any girls... all the male mind. something i never wish to wonder abt.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Maybe thats because you went to an all girls school?!!
errr didn't know us guys were that bad
Have youever come across a 'raiser'? Someone who pretends to like her, asks her for money and leaves.
Whoops, your not included as long as your not 12 years old
guys who do that are pure they'l go out with a girl purely for how deep her/familys pockets are...not even talking small, like expensive watches, phones the whole lot...but then girls take advantage of rich guys in exactly the same fashion...just seems more low if a guy does it
Aaaah, yeah i agree! I don't like such situations..
Your too good, girly!
But its an easy trap of Shaytaan!