what do you do to calm down when you're stressed or when you're feeling down/like everything's getting too much?
when im at home, i like to brush my teeth when i feel like that.
how often do you feel like that? once a week? once a month? once a year? everyday?
how come i need to have an infusion of camomile (amongst other plants) to calm down but the rest of the world (most of it) dont need to?
When i feel like somethings getting a little too much, i talk to someone who knows exactly how i'm feeling. That way, they understand what i'm going through and i feel so much better after letting everything all out! I don't know if i'm the person to 'stress'. I don't actually know if thats something that happens to me. But, i do have mini panic attacks when i begin to realise how much is on my plate (or more recently when i realised how much revision i had to complete in such as short space of time!)
When i get headaches, i have certain remedies. I must have cold foods. I must have an ice lolly. I must talk to my best friend. (Ive missed one out!) And after all that, a good night sleep normally removes the pain from my head! Those are my remedies and your infusions are your remedies when you feel like you need to calm down! Everyones remedies won't be the same.
We all have these moments i guess, sometimes. Seriously though, brushing your teeth helps? That's a first.
Alot of the times i feel stressed when i over sleep or i'm hungry, after i eat it's like "what was that all about"?
Things that really don't help me when i'm stressed are; being told to do something and nagging, losing at something i.e. a games, arguments etc (most likely due to stress that i lose
) and boredom, too much time to think.
Things that i've found help relieve stress; eating, especially sweet food (have you ever seen someone have an ice cream with a mad look on their face,
). Also like Humayra said, talking to someone who understands you always helps. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to smile at you or say salam.
In the end we've got to take it as a test from Allah and know that Allah does not burden a soul with what they cannot handle.
Know that your troubles are small when you compare it to the akhirah.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
+1. Proof of Allah's mercy and kindness! *Reminder to self*
Oh and i was gonna say, when i have a healthy diet and exercise regularly i hardly ever get stressed.
A healthy body equals a healthy mind? Are they related at all?
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
got to be. right minerals, right vitamin, hydrated. all good for the mind.
when things get too much, then im making wudu to pray and i'd brush my teeth. already brushed my teeth twice today. will most prob brush one more time but thats for hygiene LOL. but yeah brushing makes me happy *grin* (better than rotting my teeth eating ice cream i say )
today had the fastest infusion. i let in infuse for like 5 mins then added like 5 ice cubes to cool it down so i could gulp it before going out. phew.
ah man. isnt there anyone who loves brushing their teeth out here?!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
there must be something out there that'd help you calm down that isnt staring at a tv screen and forgetting everything. you should try and find it? then when you're stressed you'll still be able to have some relative "life".
that said. energizer bunny is so cool.
that said. there's an ayah of the Quran that says "verily in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest". i think we all need to remember that ayah when times get tough and instead of running to our toothbrush...make some dhikr. that's a lot less weird.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Does anyone else feel thirsty after brushing teeth?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i think everyone does, especially if you use toothpaste the correct way which is, not to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. thats hard..i still rinse lol, but i try to rinse less
nowadays i take a little of bit of toothpaste so as not to waste it, i just my teeth too often, if i was to take "a pea size or bigger" then tubes wldnt last long..
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I find it easier not to brush my teeth at all.......
Not rinse? I couldn't do that, who does that?!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
That'd be more believable if you didn't make a big hoo haa about smelly breath during ramadhan
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I'd feel like a little kid with white marks everywhere if i didn't rinse thoroughly after i've brushed my teeth.
Is brushing your tongue supposed to be a good thing? Everytime i've tried it, it makes me feel like i need to puke.
I always brush my tongue, it does make me gag sometimes but not all the time. Once you start regularly brushing your tongue, it just feels wrong and unclean when you don't.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
not rinsing is how its suppose to be. you leave the toothpaste on your teeth to protect it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I'm going to have to, most definitely, try this out in 10 hours time!