The way to…??
Eeman of course!! And inshallah Shade of Allah’s throne on the day where there will be no other shade and inshallah *drum roll* JANNAH!
The prophet (pbuh) said: "There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when
there is no shade except His shade. The just ruler; a youth who grew up upon the
worship of His Lord; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who
love each other only for Allah's sake - meeting and parting for that; a man whom a
woman of noble birth and beauty calls to commit fornication but (he) refuses and
says: "I fear Allah"; a man who gives charity secretly so that his left hand does
not know what his right hand gives; and a man who remembers Allah in private and
his eyes flood with tears." (Reported by al-Bukhari [Eng. trans. 1/356/no.629] and
the wording is his, and Muslim [Eng. trans. 2/493/no.2248] from the hadeeth of Abu
Hurayrah, radiyAllaahu 'anhu.)
If we truly love Allah and love for the sake Allah, we will stick to the correct methodology of Islam, follow the Quran and Sunnah and not use religion “to serve our own ends” as this will lead to “failure and downfall”. and our own loss at the end of the day..