Chapter Four and Five.

Chapter 4: The important of Loving and Hating For Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)

This is a really small chapter,
The prophet (pbuh) said: "Indeed the firmest handhold from eemaan is that you love for
Allaah and hate for Allaah." (Reported by Ahmad 4/286, Ibn Abee Shaybah in
al-Eemaan [no. 110] and at-Tayaalisee 2/48 of Minhatul-Ma'bood] - from al-Baraa
ibn 'Aazib. The hadeeth is hasan due to supporting narrations from a number of

Chapter Five: Ways to Strengthen One’s Love for Allah (subhanahou wata’ala)

1) Informing the one you love that you love him for Allah’s sake.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "If one of you loves his brother then let him tell
that he loves him." (Reported by al-Bukhari in ad-Adaabul-
Mufrad [no.542], Abu Dawud [no.5124] and at-Tirmidhee
[no.2502] from al-Miqdaam ibn Ma'dee Karib. At-Tirmidhee
declared it saheeh and it is as he said.)

Also, if you tell your brother/sister that you love him/her, it makes the friendship deeper and breaks down barrier. (even though, its going to be really hard to say “I love you for the sake of Allah” but I guess easier than just saying “I love you”.)

2) Spreading the Greeting of Salaam

The prophet (pbuh) said: "You will not enter Paradise
until you believe (have eemaan), and you will not believe (have
eemaan) until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to some-
thing which if you carry out you will love one another. Spread as-
Salaam amongst yourselves." (Reported by Muslim [Eng. trans.
1/37/no.96] and others from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah
radiyAllaahu 'anhu.)

3) Giving Gifts

The prophet (pbuh) said "Give gifts and you will love one another."
(Reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adaabul-Mufrad [no.594],
ad-Doolaabee in al-Kunaa [1/150] and [2/7], al-Baihaqee
[6/169] and others. Its isnaad is hasan)

(so far I am loving the simpleness of it all)

4) Visiting.

The prophet (pbuh) said: "Visit now and again - your love will increase." (Saheeh;
reported by al-Bazzaar and others: Saheehul-Jaami'.)

Just to say. Visiting too often might make the person tired of you,and visiting not enough create a gap and distancing.

5) Moderation in love and hatred

The prophet (pbuh) said: "Love the one whom you love in moderation
perhaps one day he will be one whom you hate, and hate the one
whom you hate in moderation perhaps one day he will be one whom
you love." (Saheeh, see Saheehul-Jaami' [no.176]. Reported
by at-Tirmidhee and others. Also see Ghaayatul-Maraam

Ahh the wisdom of it all. Don’t tell you you haven’t become friend with someone you use to “hate” or, and most common case, Fallen out and started “hating” someone you use to “love”!
I personally need to stick this up somewhere, on my forehead preferably I suffer from a bad case of loving/hating too much.

6) Persisting in obedience and in desisting from Sin.

God will love you if you try your best to stay on the right path and move away from Sins. And if He loves you, then Jibreel will too and so will all the angels
The prophet (pbuh) said: "If Allah loves a servant He calls Jibreel: That
Allah loves so and so, therefore love him, so Jibreel loves him,
and Jibreel calls to the inhabitants of the heavens: Allah loves
so and so, therefore love him, so the inhabitants of the heavens
love him. Then he is granted the pleasure of the people of the
earth." (Reported by al-Bukhari [Eng. trans. 4/291/no.431]
and Muslim [Eng.trans.4/1385/no.6373] and others from
the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, radiyAllaahu 'anhu.)

This is mostly copying and pasting and some of my thoughts. No big deal.