My three things for Christmas

Santa being Teargassed by Israeli forces in Palestine

Santa being Teargassed by Israeli forces in Palestine
Santa being Teargassed by Israeli forces in Palestine

My three things for Christmas

Instead of my usual, it’s Christmas and no one really cares, or we worry that we might offend people by celebrating Christmas. My dig at the PC Brigade, here are three things that may or may not be worth thinking about?

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Civil War background)

A poem by Longfellow set to music and pictures. It is about the American Civil War of 1861-65. But it could be about many wars, civil or not since, when many millions have died and suffered.

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility;” Longfellow. Or maybe the more we learn about others the less harm we want to do?


Fiddler on the roof - If I were a rich man (with subtitles)

One man’s way to talk to God? Or praying to God? One of many ways, unique to each one of us.


Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Original Spoken Intro Version) ABC Records 1967, 1970

There is nothing much wrong with the world; it’s the people who inhabit it. We talk about saving the planet, stopping pollution etc. But when we have finally destroyed the planet by the overuse of its resources by both greed and overpopulation. We the people of this planet will go like the dinosaur and the planet will recover without our help?



your ambition about Christmas is very good and you are honorable person dear. Good Job