Oh our eyes.
Oh how we wish that we could have been one of those who walked to Mina last evening. Oh how we wish that we could echo the Labbayk with the melodious crowd. Oh how we wish that we could take our pebbles and pelt the hated one. Oh how we wish that we could lay our heads on the blessed ground of Muzdalifah. Oh how we wish that we could let our tears fall on the plains of Arafat. Oh how we wish that we could see the Ka'bah and perform Tawaaf az-Ziyaarah. Oh how beautiful these places are and oh how we wish we were there right now. Oh how the longing to be amongst such blessed people continues. Oh Allah, with this ache in our hearts- to be amongst those you have called this year, we pray that you let our names be amongst those you call next year. Ameen.
Oh our eyes, such beauty, such unity: http://saudilife.net/haramain-live