Act NOW: HSBC to close UWT accounts

As many of you are aware the situation in Gaza is escalating. I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that the people of Gaza need urgent medical attention, food and resources through these difficult times. However it seems that certain people would like to restrict this. 

HSBC bank has decided to issue a two month notice to Ummah Welfare Trust to close down its bank accounts. This is similar to what Barclays did to Ummah Welfare Trust back in 2008. For those of you concerned, be reassured that there are other bank accounts that UWT use and will continue all their efforts.

Here is a list of things that YOU can do:

  1. Write to HSBC bank asking them to keep the bank accounts of UWT open by emailing and phoning 08456 040 626 or 08457 60 60 60. Voice your opinions and tell them what you think!
  2. If you have a twitter account, tweet them at @HSBCUKBusiness asking why they would punish a charity for providing humanitarian aid to people who urgently need it.
  3. Consider boycotting HSBC or make the decision to change the bank you are currently with. Inform them of your reasons behind making such a move. 
  4. Continue donating to Ummah Welfare Trust to support the orphans, widows and injured civilians in Gaza. Don't stop. As I menioned earlier, there are other bank accounts too. 
  5. Make sincere dua for the people of Palestine and make dua for all those people who work and support UWT and other charities.


Since then there are reports of other Muslims and Muslim organisations getting their accounts closed down by HSBC.

A Muslim activist Anas Al Takriti, his wife and their two children have recieved a letter from HSBC stating account will be closed.

Finsbury Park mosque (formerly occupied by extremist preacher Abu Hamza) have also been informed they no longer fit the "risk profile" and that their account will all be closed down.

There will be others too.

So far the letters are dated 22 July 2014.

Ummah Welfare trust are a juge organisation with £70 million passing through them annually to needy projects around the world - including but not limited to Gaza.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.