So, I was just thinking the other day about Muslims, 'so called Muslims' and heaven and hell.
I came up with some questions, which I have my opinions too, but I wanted to see what you all think as well.
Q1) Do you people think there is a difference between a practising Muslim, and a non practising Muslim?
Q2) Do you think we say a person is just Muslim by name? (In the sense that they do everything haram, such as dating, drinking, gambling,zina,thiefing etc etc...but they are born into a Muslim family)...
And lastly, whatever your opinions are, are you able to back it up with authentic Hadith ( from what Sunnis believe , i.e. Sahih Buhakri, Sahih Muslim etc) and Qura'n quotes?
( This is just purely for research purposes and interest.)
I am not a scholar so I will not provide with evidence, but I will give you my opinion.
The difference is that one is practicing and the other isn't.
You can't say that someone is Muslim by name only as the main point is about belief. If the person believes in God, the messengers, the books etc etc, the person is a Muslim. That does not mean that the person is a terribly good Muslim, but that is up to the person to work on and most others (random strangers) have no right to demand better.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yes. a practising muslim is someone who fasts, prays, gives zakah, recites the Qur'an,good to their parents, friends, follows the sunnah etc.
non practicing muslim someone who doesn't do any of that^.
the Prophet
said: whoever believes that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad
is his Messenger will enter Jannah. believing in that makes you a muslim but not doing what Allah and his Rasul
have commanded makes you non practising. some scholars even say if you leave salah you step outside the fold of islam and are not worthy of a janaza...
yes but not right now.
But surely many (I would be tempted to say the vast majority but don't want to come across as judgemental) don't fit so neatly into either of those groups. Many are in-between.
What are they? 'semi-practising Muslims'?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
no idea.
there is a name for each category. i will have to dig out my notes.
fasiqeen - non practising
ameyleen - practising
zakhireen alal haq - those that propagate islam, dawa work
I think of "non- practising" as those who just believe but dont act and show their beliefs and "practising" as those who do some or all of those things ^^.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
once again
yaqub makes an excellent point
spot on
I agree
I wouldnt class myself as practising
because I dont pray
I wouldnt say im NOT practising either
I do fast among other things
I fit neither category
Good Questions!
Q1) Do you people think there is a difference between a practising Muslim, and a non practising Muslim?
Well of course. Why else would there be a distinction... =/
'Muslim' as a noun/adjective VS 'Muslim' as a verb
Q2) Do you think we say a person is just Muslim by name?
Imo it's not for us to decide who is a 'Muslim' and who isn't, all we can go by is whether or not they call themselves Muslims and that's all we should need really.
No i can't back that up with 'authentic Hadith' or Quran notes, but i do know it's for God to judge all of us, not for us to judge EACH OTHER on 'How much of a Muslim' we are...Unless you want to help them i guess, or will somehow benefit them in some way
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
I think Yaqub and MakeMeRawr have already said what I wanted to say.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Chill out!
First of all...people can have various different meanings of a non practising Muslim vs practising Muslim. The question is, what are the distinctions... you can easily say yeah theres a difference, but what are they? Can a non practising Muslim mean someone who believes in Allah, believes in the Prophets (pbuthem)? Or is it people who do the salaah, give the Zakaat etc...As far as I know, people class themselves as practising if they perform salaah. My question is...doesnt behaviour come into it? You can pray salaah, but if have bad behaviour , can you still catergorize yourself as practising?
(Let me know if Im not making any sense...)
Q2) Do you think we say a person is just Muslim by name?
Whether we want to believe it or not, deny it or not, we all judge! Whether its about the clothes, the features or behaviour ...we ALL judge. So there are people who also judge others on 'how much of a Muslim' they are...
And NO, we cant say a person is a Muslim just by name. First of all, everyone who is a Muslim or has been borned into a Muslim family should be grateful to Allah for that, because that is like a starting point. Then when you get older and are able to think for yourself, it is up to that individual whether they want to BE a Muslim and follow the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah, or they want to have the name 'Abdullah' and drink, do drugs and commit Zina. Personally, You cannot claim to be a Muslim unless you act upon what the Quran and Hadith say....HOWEVER, if you are less knowlegeable and dont have the guidance than only Allah swt knows what is in the heart of that person. Being a Muslim is not just about Salaah. Its a way of life, it teaches Humanity and kindness towards others. Teaches respect and Sabaar. SubhanAllah this is the teaching of ISLAM, if you follow it, you are I believe a practising Muslim!
(sorry if I have faded from the question, but thats my point made)
No, mate, you haven't at all. Wise words there.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Thankyo :o . I actually put this blog up with lots of ideas and opinions that I had myself, however just wanted to see what everyone else thinks.
So what are your ideas and opinions?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Ha, cant believe you bought this blog up after a year! Lol. Anyway, I forgot what opinions I had then..but currently my opinion is obviously there is a distinction between practising and non practising in the physical sense of fasting, praying salah, Quran, zakat etc. A non practising muslim might not be doing all that, but still be a good person...but then I think thats a different discussion right there!
And I do think there is a difference between someone we call a Muslim and a Mumin- Muslim being a person who has accepted that there is one God and Muhammad
is his messenger. Whereas a Mumin is a firm believer in Islam and follows the sharia, is a good human being etc etc. Obviously we cannot call someone who claims to be a Muslim a kaffir,thats wrong (and there is a video on this topic by Tahir Ul Qadiri also which I will dig out). A muslim is a muslim, but a Mumin is a firm Muslim (if that makes sense)...I doubt it does...
Anyway having read the question I put up a year ago I think I should have made my questions much more clearer...
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.