AunMohammed90's blog

The Citizens Foundation

Salaam guys!

Just wanted to raise awareness of the dire state of education in Pakistan. It is said that the cost of not educating Pakistan is equivalent of one flood per year. The Pakistani government currently spend a meagre 1.5% of their GDP on education.

Please take a look at the following websites for more information:

The Citizens Foundation exists to build and develop schools for Pakistan's most disadvantaged children. Their work is trully inspiring. They currently education 115,000 in 830 schools across Pakistan. Education really does save lives.

Starve your ego, free your soul

“The material world as it appears to our senses is not the real world but only an image or copy of the real world that often deceives.” Plato

Andy Warhol famously said that the nature of the future is that everybody will be famous for 15 minutes. One need not look beyond programmes like Big Brother to see evidence of this trend. Long gone are the days where one becomes well-known because of their scholarly credentials; we are truly witnessing the triumph of spectacle over literacy. We live in a society where greed is the norm, where the ego, or lower nafs, is nurtured to its detriment and where consumerism is rampant. Indeed, pride and arrogance are sheer ignorance, according to Islamic teachings.