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Your Views: Fallen Ummah, Why is it still on the floor?

I was looking through some documentaries on the Islamic empire and stuff, it was quite amazing to see, after only 50years; how explosive and Impactful Islam actually was on the world map. And basically what came to my mind, is that at the time Islam starting from scratch, from birth was so powerful, and the followers were held so tightly together as an Ummah etc then how and why today, when Islam is all over the world etc is the Ummah so shattered? and even if a the global ummah is shattered why are even Muslim countries e.g Saudi, not collective or at least a national ummah?

I was wondering if you would like to share your views on why The Ummah is still on the floor? and How did it fall in the first place? and where are we flawing today?

Because i am totally flabbergasted lol

7/7: What You Never Knew

As more and more evidence weighs in favor of the inside job of 9/11 AND 7/7, more and more collections and theories are being branded as myths and conspiracies; if that is the case then all theories are just theories and even the "official" accounts released by the government; are also just conspiracy theories. Until anything is proved on paper, no one can actually, know the true story, so what the best thing to do is analyze information from all angles and come to our own logical conclusions. Here are some web links where more than "officially proclaimed" facts are presented and somewhat amazing secrets that are heavily against the constitutions "official" story.

Use these to draw your own conclusions, filter the facts from falsehood,


Subject: The Awakening: Dare To Question Yourself?!?!

Salaam All!!

“The Awakening”; is the first of a set articles that will explore human existence, purpose of life, with the aim of navigating people unto the reality of their own life and existence. The following Questions are part of a research in conduction by “The Unity Movement”, The Unity Movement is a people’s platform where attitudes, feelings, beliefs etc are gathered and collaborated, so that people can come to common terms and reconcile differences.

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