Hijjabing lil Girls

my baby sister who's 8 wears a hijaab

she's wore one since she was 6

when she's out and about with me i tell her that she doesnt have to wear it-when i pick her up from school and its hot-i let her take it off

my sister and mum dont give her that choice

as a little girl she's not fussed either way

i started to wear a scarf when i was 9-IMO I was told to wear it too young

many girls i know who were told to wear on when they were young took it off when they become teenagers-i too went thru a on/off period

when's the best age to start covering up?

It is permissible for a Muslim girl to wear hijab any time she pleases, even if she is not old enough to have to wear it. As to when she has to wear it, a Muslim female is required to observe hijab as soon as she reaches the age of puberty, that is, when she sees her first menstruation. However, it is highly desirable that she be introduced to hijab before puberty. Sometimes, if a girl waits until she reaches puberty, then puts on hijab all at once, she can find it difficult. Hijab is best introduced in stages, say, first a scarf, then the long sleeves, long skirts, etc. If it is done this way, along with strengthening one's iman and love for Allah, then insha'Allah when puberty comes, there should be no difficulty.

Theres a girl in alum rock - she's bengali and by her height Im guessing she's probably abt 10/11 and she walks around with shari' hijab. mashaALLAH she looks soo gud.

And the weird thing is her dad isnt particularly religious and her brothers are pretty normal aswell - sometimes I see her and think this is a future walia walking around.

Can any1 imagine a 10/11 yr old veiling?


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


Many Somalian sisters of all ages are Shariah hijab.

Nothing can be done without force, as you know it the intentions nullify, for all the sisters who are veiled- may they be smiling and shining all the way to Jannah. Ameen

I dunno if that girl veils all the time - but I've seen her a few times with her dad going to shops and mashaALLAH its impressive - lil kids with such imaan are diamonds waiting to be cut and sparkled.

However quite a few youngish girls veil PT - when they come to the girls madrassah a number of 'em veil their faces but when at school etc they dont.

Its a step in teh right direction mashaALLAH.

and yr right - lil kids inn islamic attire look beautiful mashaALLAH. Girls with their gowns and scarves and boy with their topis and thobes - mashaALLAH.

"(*_Shazan" wrote:

Many Somalian sisters of all ages are Shariah hijab.

Nothing can be done without force, as you know it nullify the intentions nullify, for all the sisters who are veiled- may they be smiling and shining all the way to Jannah. Ameen

Yes - I got a lot of respect for somalian brothers and ladies. mashaALLAH they are really nice ppl - so humble and polite. (some of the youth are getting messed up but by and large they are mashaALLAH clued up on deen)


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

There's a madrassah close to my house and I've seen sisters around 10/11 veiled.

I've also seen girls around 5 years of age wearing the headscarf and covered up properly and they look soooo cute and it's good that they do that as in the quote it says it prepares them for puberty so they won't find it as hard.

"Med" wrote:
I dunno if that girl veils all the time - but I've seen her a few times with her dad going to shops and mashaALLAH its impressive - lil kids with such imaan are diamonds waiting to be cut and sparkled.

However quite a few youngish girls veil PT - when they come to the girls madrassah a number of 'em veil their faces but when at school etc they dont.

Its a step in teh right direction mashaALLAH.

and yr right - lil kids inn islamic attire look beautiful mashaALLAH. Girls with their gowns and scarves and boy with their topis and thobes - mashaALLAH.

"(*_Shazan" wrote:

Many Somalian sisters of all ages are Shariah hijab.

Nothing can be done without force, as you know it nullify the intentions nullify, for all the sisters who are veiled- may they be smiling and shining all the way to Jannah. Ameen

Yes - I got a lot of respect for somalian brothers and ladies. mashaALLAH they are really nice ppl - so humble and polite. (some of the youth are getting messed up but by and large they are mashaALLAH clued up on deen)


I pulled up at pelican crossing and the light had turned red, and a collection of sparking brother and sisters (from local Madrassa) all walked to get to the other side of the road, all the boys had their nice throbs, sisters with wearing their jilbab and Niqab, every colour under the rainbow was on display. The light had change to green but I was temporary blinded by the noor shining from them.

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
The light had change to green but I was temporary blinded by the noor shining from them.

loooooooool. May ALLAH make you laff in the highest paradise bruv as you made me smile on earth. ameen.

Yeh - some ppls noor does blind and they dont even know it. mashaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
when's the best age to start covering up?

I think girls should be encouraged to wear hijaab from an early age,

cos it will not B difficult for them when it becomes obligatory....

If i have daughters in the future will make them have it on at the age of 4, insha'allah or who knows maybe before, dont want them to become rebels

& of course like alot say a mothers attitude towards wearing hijaab has a lot to do with how a little girl will perceive it.

I myself started wearing it at age 8/9

So you lot find it acceptable to stare at Hijabi's? The people who are practising their religion?

OOOOooook then.

I know you mean it in a 'positive sense, but drooling is drooling.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
So you lot find it acceptable to stare at Hijabi's? The people who are practising their religion?

OOOOooook then.

I know you mean it in a 'positive sense, but drooling is drooling.


Just admiring their innocence, sinless, I wish I were a child again

oookay, calm down guys...

Back to topic, I don't think young girls should be forced to wear hijab, encouraged yeah.

However I think the enviroment has more of an influence for example my 1 and a half yr old niece reaches out for her scarf and shouts "aqa" (refering to Holy Prophet (saw)) coz she knows when she hears a naat or wants to read it then she should do her scarf on her head, similarly kids know that when their mothers walk out of the house they cover themselves, such values are instilled into children, however it may not be enough and some children need encouragment.....

[color=magenta]my lil cousin is abt nine and she was hijab n jilbab nt cuz she was forced/told but because she saw her older cousins me n my sisters wearing it n she first wanted to imitate us, but when she was like 8 she mashaAllah she knew as Muslimah she will wear it,im so proud of her she is so much more knowledgable than i was at her age and she is aware of so many issues n i remember she told my youner sis who is older than to stop backbiting[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

Personally with my daughters the headscarf probably at age 4. Then the gown by age 7 and then on their first impurity inshaALLAHu ta'ala hijab.

Its about character - childhood habits die hard and if done right they stick for life.

I know some people mashaALLAH and they follow this same tarteeb with their children and it appears to be working perfectly.

As for sons sons - their version of clothing hijab will be pretty much from the start inshaALLAH. From 4 onwards kids dont need to wear babygrows do they? and they can withstand moderate temperature changes right? If thats the case then sunnah libas from that age - and in regards the physical hijab - viz the beard - when ALLAH gives it they shall keep it inshaALLAHur Rahman.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Assadullah" wrote:
Salaam ppl.
4 Naj. Really? kinda young 4 me man, nt tht im judging, I just wouldn’t personally make my daughter wear it at 4. I agree with everything coming in steps. 11, 12 I think I would make her cover up.

I say 4 cos personally i think the earlier the better as it would B good training for them as they should start on the namaaz by the age of 7 years, and obviously for namaaz you need the headscarf so it would come to them naturally instead of suddenly introducing it.

And of course lil girls with hijaab look V cute.

Assadullah bruv I was referring to Dave who is a christian and hence a kafir. But your right - nothing but benefit is gained by repeating the kalimah.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

lilsis this topic is so hard. personally i would hope to teach my child in such a gentle manner that by puberty she would consider putting on the hijaab by herself.

if she does not then i would go on advising her gently and leave the decision to her.

my dad practically bullied me into wearing the hijaab at 9 and by college at 16 i'd thrown it in the bin. it wasn't until much later once married and after hajj that i wore it again.

i really sympathise with those who are coerced into wearing it too early and who rebel or wear it but hate it and long after not wearing it.

surely with knowledge comes understanding and with that acceptance but this takes time and also depends upon the maturity of the child. i do not believe in doing something or wearing something without understanding.

let our children first understand completely why it is so before they act or are made to act

well that's my opinion anyway.

OMG she is absolutely gorgus mashallah, a chubby munchkin mashallah.

Not having a go or anythin but I don't know how people can post pics of children over the net, you get all sorts of weirdo's in this world...

"Assadullah" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Topics split guys....

Yh ok tru, bt I had 2 Med tht, wat if he becae a kufr after saying tht, muslims have obligatiosn 2 fulfill man, and I thought it was mine.

again I aint called a muslim a kafir. Don/Dave is a christian.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
when's the best age to start covering up?

As soon as one becomes pretty.

But you wont have to worry about that.


"Omrow" wrote:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
when's the best age to start covering up?

As soon as one becomes pretty.

But you wont have to worry about that.


Hahaha Lol Lol ....sorry couldn't help laughing.

Omrow, that's not a nice thing to say Wink

"Angel" wrote:
OMG she is absolutely gorgus mashallah, a chubby munchkin mashallah.

Not having a go or anythin but I don't know how people can post pics of children over the net, you get all sorts of weirdo's in this world...

I had his consent and she has changed allot, grown up since that picture was taken , she not very chubb now, hardly recognisable, but her father and mother are firm believer in installing Islam into her since Allah blessed them with their first daughter.

She doesn’t know how to pray but watches her parents pray together and joins in and tries.

The best upbringing a Muslim is entitled to have is an Islamic one. I’ll let the more knowledgeable members define what does Islamic upbringing actually involve .

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

many girls i know who were told to wear on when they were young took it off when they become teenagers

[color=magenta]thats so true i think the reasons why a Muslimah covers up should be taught properly n when we are young cuz i know of several girls who go to this local islamic school n they cover up proper wiv niqab n stuff but thas becuz its a school uniform on thw weekends they tk their niqab, jilbaab n hijab off becuz they are outside of school.

also there was a case in our school where 25-30 girls were caught stealing on a school trip n almost every single one of these girls cover up, so when one adopts the hijab i rckon they must fully know why they are wearing it, obviously this should be before or whenthe hijab is compulsory for a Muslimah [/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"Exquisite" wrote:


also there was a case in our school where 25-30 girls were caught stealing on a school trip n almost every single one of these girls cover up, so when one adopts the hijab i rckon they must fully know why they are wearing it, obviously this should be before or whenthe hijab is compulsory for a Muslimah [/color]

so THATS where the joke abt thieving muslimahs originated :twisted:

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

[color=magenta]its not a joke honestly my friends n me had to call some of their parents up n tell them to come to skool cuz i their daughter has been caught on cctv stealing n i got sworen at realy badly in disgusting bengali cusses n it wasnt nice[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
[b]Look[/b] how happy my friends daughter is wearing her Hijab:

ur friends daughter is a baby-

babies usually do anything u tell them-thats how kids work

i'm sure she's be equally as happy wearing a baseball hat

"laila" wrote:
lilsis this topic is so hard. personally i would hope to teach my child in such a gentle manner that by puberty she would consider putting on the hijaab by herself.

if she does not then i would go on advising her gently and leave the decision to her.

my dad practically bullied me into wearing the hijaab at 9 and by college at 16 i'd thrown it in the bin. it wasn't until much later once married and after hajj that i wore it again.

i really sympathise with those who are coerced into wearing it too early and who rebel or wear it but hate it and long after not wearing it.

surely with knowledge comes understanding and with that acceptance but this takes time and also depends upon the maturity of the child. i do not believe in doing something or wearing something without understanding.

let our children first understand completely why it is so before they act or are made to act

well that's my opinion anyway.

I totally agree with your Seems....I too will slowly wean any daughters God gives me on the scarf...they will never be forced to wear it, be it aged 6 or aged 12.

Understanding and education is vital...I dislike the idea of blind obedience being thrust upon a child namely "cos Allah said say and you'll go to hell if you don't do as He says".

I was told to wear a scarf at age 12 and I spent my high schools years taking it off at the top of my road....at age 18 my heart and mind fully accepted why I should wear it and I've kept it on since then.

I think my parents have the right idea with my lil sister, she's encouraged to wear it but it's no big deal if she takes it off in the heat or when she's playing in the park....inshallah by age 12 she should have accepted the hijaab with her heart and mind.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
[b]Look[/b] how happy my friends daughter is wearing her Hijab:

ur friends daughter is a baby-

babies usually do anything u tell them-thats how kids work

i'm sure she's be equally as happy wearing a baseball hat

Thanks for stating the obvious.

What you see is what you know.

She has formed a bond with her hijab keep the baseball of cap for sport fans.
