Forum Topics


How many of us wake up in a morning .........and pause for a moment spare a thought..........of how our fellow muslims are faring in the world around us many of us have shed a tear or two with concern ??????????? How many of us have made sincere duas to ask Allah to alleviate the suffering of muslims being oppressed around the Globe....

I will say..........that not many of us do...............why..........because the smell of scrambled eggs, mushrooms and beans on toast is toooooooooo distracting..............


I was flicking the sky channels the other day, when I came across an award ceremony for LOLLYWOOD.... :roll: ....this award ceremony is supposed to parallel the OSCAR cermony for HOLLYWOOD according to some :shock: (Yeah I've learned how to use the smileys - get used to them now :!: )


Bro....can I just apologise if I have mocked u on this forum or treated u unkindly........ :!:

Seen as today is the belessed day of Jummah.......can I also seek forgiveness of some members of the forum whom I may have backbited !!!! sorry ! :oops:

Tax evasion amongst asians

This forum is proving obsessive this afternoon or maybe my brain is just fired up !!

What is the opinion of the forum on asians who rip of the tax man........especially when they sit around in their hackney carriage all day long, sweating like a dog (not really true because dogs don't sewat), earning £800 & only declaring £100, and then look down on those who infact pay their taxes to fund the family credit which he then claims...!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm not too sure about the general british asian community, but in the area where I am from, White english women are generalised and frowned upon as being tarty, gold diggers, users (not my opinion - i must stress that) but unfortunate as it is, I have heard such stereotypes flying around.

What my contention is, whether some asian girls are also following suit......I have noticed a consideerable increase in asian gals seeking the "bad boy", fully loaded car, money (drug dealer) and so on..........Is my observation appropriate and true of todays world?

WHo would help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there was a fight in the street.....................and an apparent non-muslim was getting verbally & physically abused by an apparent muslim (the reason I used the word "apparent" is because on so many occasions distinguishing muslims & nonmuslims is virtually impossible)......

Would u try & establish what the truth is (and then help the wronged person) or would u blindly assist the muslim ????


How often can these two words (honesty & asian) be strung together in a sentence in a positive light..............

In my experience, not many asian (i mean pakistani, bengali & inidian) people are too honest when it comes to business dealings......This is my primary reason for wishing to pay a bit more elsewhere i.e. non-asian business in order to gain a peace of mind in my purchase.....

who else has observed such a pattern?
