
The man who committed 99 Murders

The man who committed 99 Murders

On his 99th Murder
he heard someone say
"you'll be punished tomorrow
for the crimes you did today."
So he went to a man
who was respected and good
Told him what he'd done
would he be forgiven if he could?
The man shoook his head
and quickly he said
"Hell is made for people like you
God'll punish for the people you slew"
So the man said "oh well
if my final resting cell
is that fiery pit of hell
I might kill you as well"
But he still felt blue
With the fact that he knew
He was not worthy of Allah
And the tears fell down his face
As he felt out of place
In the house for Salah
Someone heard his weeping
"What painful secrets are you keeping?
Why are those your tears that are seeping
through your clothes?"

Check the level of crime on your street!

Yesterday an interactive map offering detailed crime statistics on every street in England and Wales was launched. It proved so popular yesterday that the site crashed.

The website aims to offer members of the public unprecedented access to information about crimes taking place in their neighbourhood.


Users should be able to access figures on levels of burglary, robbery, violence, vehicle crime and antisocial behaviour.

They can also compare one area against another and compare figures against the same period the previous year to see if crime is getting better or worse.

The website also offers messages from senior officers and links to local policing priorities and information about forthcoming crimefighting events.

Lethal Weapon: Young, Gifted and DEAD

By Zahid Maqbool

Walking down the street it is no longer enough to speak in rap. The gold rings mean nothing. Nor do the chains. There are two types of people out there. Those that carry and those that are dead. Bang bang.

La pistola. The Ultimate Badge of Honour. It says more than anything else. Who cares about the police? I own the streets and people fear me. And they should. I am the law. Disrespect me at your own peril. Bang bang.
