Man shot in anti-terrorism raid

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"The Great 100" wrote:

Don Karnage, I don't get that at all. Are you calling me gay?

I ambiguized your statement...

I thought you were clarifying.

You kind of are. Dirol

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"*DUST*" wrote:
"RuBz" wrote:
"The Great 100" wrote:

I didn't read anywhere that he's a dealer, has that come from someone reliable?


Its from his own boyz,

like i sed his known

"The Great 100" wrote:
although if RuBz is correct we can't have heard the last of it and I don't have sympathy with him.

:? i'm sorry rubz, but i think it's disgusting you would spread such things about the brothers (you didn't even specify which one you were referring to). i saw them on the BBC's live coverage of the press conference, and they certainly do not look like drug dealers. yes looks can be deceiving but i'm not going to accept such statements about them which were passed on by gossip. if the claim was true wouldn't the police have found some trace of drugs in the house which they turned upside down in their search for a chemical weapon. :roll:
and 100, even if it was true, how many drug dealers have you heard of whose punishment was to be shot in the chest and kept in police custody without charge?

soz yea but ma intention wasnt to spread wateva ur sayin yea all i sed was that their old life was in the hands of drugz and whether they've changed or not i cant say anythin bout that neways soz i didn mean ne harm by it

Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..


I appreciate your good intentions. I should agree with Dust except the brothers were under discussion and you were attempting to establish their innocence so, maybe it's a grey area. Letting us know about the dealing gave your comment credibility.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I too felt for them after listening to their press statement on BBC news today.

The Met Police apology sounds so lame...that family was treated ruthlessly.

Policemen acting in such a inhumane manner is not something I used to associate with the police from this country.

One would of thought they would have learned from their mistake after unfairly shooting the brazilian guy.

It’s not without parallel in recent times. My Irish neighbour told me about the police reaction to the threat of the IRA and the effect it had on the Irish community in the 1970s and 1980s. Police intelligence was flawed and many innocent people were harassed, arrested, beaten and in some cases framed by corrupt police.

I’m not saying that’s happening now but the reaction of British Muslims could be similar to the Irish experience.

The reaction of the Irish in London was to distrust the police and stop co-operating with them, which meant that the very community the police needed onside to stop the IRA were alienated, resulting in further suspicion, dodgy intelligence and more disillusioned young men more likely to support the militants.

Police have a hard job but their intelligence has got to be accurate. And that apology was very grudging.

"The Great 100" wrote:

I appreciate your good intentions. I should agree with Dust except the brothers were under discussion and you were attempting to establish their innocence so, maybe it's a grey area. Letting us know about the dealing gave your comment credibility.

Grey area? What's a grey area?


"Beast" wrote:
"The Great 100" wrote:

I appreciate your good intentions. I should agree with Dust except the brothers were under discussion and you were attempting to establish their innocence so, maybe it's a grey area. Letting us know about the dealing gave your comment credibility.

Grey area? What's a grey area?


As to whether stating information about them in a relevant discussion to back up her authority is justifiable or whether it is plain gossip. A grey area is any situation where the rules are unclear. For instance whether many standard English curses constitute blasphemy as under the commandment not to take God's name in vain.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]


As long as there are no grey areas concerning the men's innocence of terrorism-related activity.
