National Lefty Day

National Left Handed Day

August the 13th is officially national left handed day (Lefties of the world unite!).

In Islam, the left hand and everything associated with it is seen as unclean. This stems from the Middle Eastern custom of using the left-hand and water instead of toilet paper. And therefore anyone using the left hand will BURN in the fires of hell like the infedels they are. Lol

Actually this is myth and common misconception. Using the right hand to eat and for other purposes is recommended because its sunnah and not obligatory. Ergo on the day of judgement God wont ask why you didnt do something thats not obligatory.

So how may Lefties do we have here?

and has anyone commented on your Lefty-ness?

I always thought you were obliged to use your right hand for eating. In some countries (where the ppl are not very educated) little kids have been beaten up for writing with their left hand! Ppl always find it weird when i hold my folk in my right hand and knife with left, they always make the assumption im left handed. A question for those left handed ppl do you find it hard to eat with your right hand?

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

because i always learnt how to eat with my knife in my right hand and my fork in my left...i found it REALLY difficult to try to learn the other way round when i became Muslim. dinner time constantly ended up with half of it on the floor on the floor and meat that was sliced in a jaggedy line!

i'm ok now tho...i just eat with my hands cos its sunnah, innit!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Its basicly sunnah to eat with your right hand (regardless of which way you use your utensils[i have the knife in my left, and fork in right]) and the reasons why people encourage it is because following the sunnah with the correct intentions (no matter how mundane a task) is counted as worship of Allah (swt), and thus we are rewarded for it.

Therefore its preferable to eat with the right hand coz you get rewarded. But you wont get punished for using the left either. You'll just miss out on scoring free points.

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