Put it out…… yeah I’m talking to you!

Asalam walikum brothers and sisters

I for one am glad that this smoking ban is finally being implemented. There is nothing worse then having to breath in disgusting deadly fumes and toxics, but how effective will this smoking ban actually be? Smoking is clearly not allowed on buses but people still light up. The use of mobile phones behind the wheel is clearly prohibited but people still choose to ignore the law.

The government has introduced a fixed penalty of £50 for anybody caught smoking in a place they are prohibited from doing so and £2,500 for owners of premises that allow smoking. From past bans we can clearly see that fining people and putting points on their licence does not work so what makes them think that people will actually stop smoking? The government believes its is an excellent idea and will lead to more people actually quitting smoking. Will it though? Or will it mean even more people take up smoking?

The smoking ban will not lead to the total elimination of smoking, as you will still be able to smoke outdoors, in the home, your car, hotels and even prisons!

What are everybodys views on this matter? Are you glad that the smoking ban is being implemented? Are you not really bothered? Or do u think it’s a complete waste of time and money? Do you think people will actually stop smoking in the prohibited areas? Will people as a result of this ban actually give up smoking?


wow... not what i thought that title meant.

hhmm.... but whilst im here... smokings bad... ok

The smoke from cigs irritate my eyes ... and when my eyes get irritated... Mr Bigglesworth gets upset... and when Mr Bigglesworth gets upset... people DIE!!! :twisted:

Back in BLACK


I smoke. I'm also glad for the ban! I say ban it in outdoor public spaces also!

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

"mmm" wrote:

I smoke. I'm also glad for the ban! I say ban it in outdoor public spaces also!

respect to you bro (im assuming your a bro, sorry if your not, cant tell from your name) not many ppl would admit to smoking on this forum (another assumption im making). Im sure the fellow brothers and sisters here as the revival will aid and support you through your transition from smoker to non smoker.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Its a gud idea, but a bit daft. You can still smoke in the streets in public, you cant have a sheesha in a place designed for smoking? Idiots.

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
