what do muslims do in mosques?


i do not understand what the purpose of a mosque is... do muslims have services and mass like Catholics? what happens at mosques...

muchas gracias
Dios te bendiga

We' read our 5 prayers there.... well most people tend to read at home now'a'days but some people prefer to read at the mosque.
Theres usually a special service type thing on Fridays (which is our holy day) when theres usually a bit of a talk and other such stuff.
The mosque is also used as a school for the young to learn to practice Islam.

I also hear there are some mosques who have recreational facilities (i.e. pool tables and what not) to keep the youth off the streets and away from trouble.

Back in BLACK

Good topic.

It very much depends on the Mosque.

Some Mosques only lead the five daily prayers of the day.

Others may also hold Islamic study classes for children.

In Islam the Mosque should be the focal point of community, in the time of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) the Mosque was used as a political platform, a shelter for the homeless, a charity distribution centre, learning centre, the place where the main announcements were made, a nursing home etc etc

Some active Mosques run Summer/Weekend school, hold Islamic programmes on a regular basis, offer counselling, sewing classes etc etc

It differs in every Mosque.

muchas gracias Muslim Sister and Seraphim,

if i may ask, what are your five prayers and what happens at your services on friday? (and why friday?)

Dios te bendiga

“Singing is like praying twice.”

Dominus vobiscum to Catholics
may God guide you non Catholics

The five daily prayers and their times are:

Salat al-fajr: dawn, before sunrise

Salat al-zuhr: midday.

Salat al-asr: late afternoon

Salat al-maghrib: just after sunset

Salat al-'isha: between sunset and midnight

And the Friday prayer is basically Salatul Zuhr in the Mosque followed by a Khutbah (religious lecture) delivered by the Imam of the Mosque.

Why Friday? I'm not sure really...it maybe because Friday is considered the holiest day of the week. Prophet Adam (AS) was created on this day, the Day of Judgement will also take place on this day...

gracias MuslimSister,

i hope you do not mind but i have two more questions... what is said for the muslim prayer on friday? and are religious lectures on friday considered something religiously binding?

Dios te bendiga

“Singing is like praying twice.”

Dominus vobiscum to Catholics
may God guide you non Catholics

"Snowbunny" wrote:

i do not understand what the purpose of a mosque is... do muslims have services and mass like Catholics? what happens at mosques...

muchas gracias
Dios te bendiga

ok ill tell you the truth sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The mosque is where we all get togheter and burn flags and effigys of the west then we run around the fire till we work ourselves into a frenzy jumping up and down and banging our heads togheter till we take out our swords and shout 'death to all infedels' and sacrifice the first non-believer we see , then we drink their blood with mass portions of halva

yummy Wink

(jus a bit of humour Lol well thats the exaggerated assumption of sum people )


Sounds like something otu of Buffy the vampire slayer.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"NAS786" wrote:
"Snowbunny" wrote:

i do not understand what the purpose of a mosque is... do muslims have services and mass like Catholics? what happens at mosques...

muchas gracias
Dios te bendiga

ok ill tell you the truth sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The mosque is where we all get togheter and burn flags and effigys of the west then we run around the fire till we work ourselves into a frenzy jumping up and down and banging our heads togheter till we take out our swords and shout 'death to all infedels' and sacrifice the first non-believer we see , then we drink their blood with mass portions of halva

yummy Wink

(jus a bit of humour Lol well thats the exaggerated assumption of sum people )


Good one mate

yep - Mrs bunny thats exactlty what we do in mosques :twisted:

seriously tho

to answer ur questions

-it is OBLIGATORY for muslim men to attend the friday congregational prayer

and No the message is NOT binding

but it depends on how much u favour/agree with the teachings of the Imam

well i don't have a good opinion of the mosques in my town. One of them unfortunately it's the bengali one, as soon as the obligatory prayers are over they disperse and start talking loudly usually worldly talk which isn;t allowed in the mosque. Nevermind those worshippers remaining behind to do their sunnat or optional prayers. My brother tells me he was doing his optional prayers and they disturbed him, said they're closing up? they basically kicked him out immediately after congregational prayers. This mosque is a joke, i think it should be closed down. it;s a huge facility. half the time its used for a social by older asian men to gossip, and the other half of the time it gets it big time revenue from weddings held downstairs. I think of it as a community centre not a mosque.

Last i heard there was a bust up in the mosque all coz some men wanted to sit and gossip whilst another wanted the imam to do a inspirational lecture coz ppl were just being idle. this was in the holy month of ramadan the last ten days, what does it say about us huh?

I told my brother not to go there unless he has to, coz there;s another mosque near by which is excellent.