Whats the problem with salafis?

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Yes it is doing harm.

If one person decides to use this topic to slag off others, eventually there will be a backlash.

and then I will leave the topic unlocked as it would be hypocritical only allowing jabs from one side.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

[color=indigo][b]Well the only person who is slagging anyone off here is Omrow and he does that anyway in every other post with anyone who doesn't agree with him.[/b][/color]


"MyEye" wrote:

you didnt answer the question.
I asked you why do you argue that they dont love the Prophet saaws?

I did answer your question.

They just dont like God's messengers.

They speak disrespectfully about the Prophets.

Now, if you love somebody, you honour them.

But these guys have no respect for Holy people.

They speak about them as they speak about their friends.


You see Omrow there is this thing called evidence.

Without it your post is just a rant.

You should know all generalisations are wrong. Even this one.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

[b][color=indigo]So i presume you've met all the salafi brothers and sisters out there in the world, Omrow?

What makes you better than anyone else?

You cannot go around saying so and so doesn't love Allahs beloved, we are Allah Azwajals creation, so let him judge us and not you.[/color][/b]

"MyEye" wrote:
Your correct in what you say, I agree with you. That’s why I studied under scholars and without boast received ijaaza to teach basic Arabic grammar. I have studied seerah under the likes of Sheikh Muhammad Imdad Husaain al Ahzari, Fiqh under his son, Tafseer under Masood Alam Khan, a course in hermeneutics under Sheikh Abu Jafar ,Aqeedah under Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf and Tajweed ul Qur’aan under Qari Ameer Hussain al Ahzari. however despite this I do find a lot of knowledge through the internet and I confirm that we do not become an Imam, scholar in two minutes just by a quick visit to fatawaa online.
Or opening up the Sahih and saying whoop there it is! Still there is the science of verifying Hadith and I find that the Salafis do that. I find them studying under people that do have ijaaza. One of the greatest follies against Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab that he didn’t have ijaaza, when infact he studied under orthodox scholars, including his father.


- salafis DO go against Imam abu Hanifa's fiqh al-akbar, Malik's muwatta and other such books,

if so them I openly will reject them but I need to know how and then look at the evidences you will present insha’Allah and interrogate salafi scholars and then draw my own conclusion

I am happy you understand that following a madhab is not following an imam but the methodology and principals they used when deriving from the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. I believe strongly that our discussions will be something I can learn and benefit from.

on many points I agree with you and you will be supprised to find that there are acronistic salafiyah that will agree too.

And thank you for the parable, you words do not fall on deaf ears, I will go to Sunni forum. However like I said, I am currently preparing a step by step discussion on tawassul because I need to find out the truth. I never claim to be a 100% right, not even 1 %, you have dialouged well and I am pleased with that. With that attitude towards dialogues such as this, we will see through the smoke. wasalams

Assalamu 'alaykum myeye,

hmm..im not quite sure why youve told us that you have an ijaaza in arabic grammar, or the respected people with whom you have studied under - but i am very happy for you, mashaAllah all the same Smile
(sounds like you must have attended Jamia al-Karam in Nottinghamshire if you happened to learn with sk. Muhammad Imdad Husaain and his son..?)

and Im happy that salafis study under people who have attained an ijaaza - Imam Shafi had about 600 - which probably is an attestation of his standing as a mujtahid.. Wink


"MyEye" wrote:
however despite this I do find a lot of knowledge through the internet and I confirm that we do not become an Imam, scholar in two minutes just by a quick visit to fatawaa online.
Or opening up the Sahih and saying whoop there it is! Still there is the science of verifying Hadith and I find that the Salafis do that. I find them studying under people that do have ijaaza.

Each of the madhabs have different criteria and principles in establishing the verification and/or reliability of a hadith - so it cannot be said that *only* salafis verify ahadith.. usul al-hadith is another intricate science, and i find that the mujtahid imams do that..
for example, in the hanbali madhab, verification/reliability of a hadith is seeing if it is sahih, daeef, hasan, etc or not.. this is not generally the methodology/criteria that is used to soley verify ahadith in the other madhahib..
for example, there can be 2 ahadith that are *sahih*, but at the same time, contradict each other in what they say - what would a salafi do in *that* situation?

"MyEye" wrote:


- salafis DO go against Imam abu Hanifa's fiqh al-akbar, Malik's muwatta and other such books,

if so them I openly will reject them but I need to know how and then look at the evidences you will present insha’Allah and interrogate salafi scholars and then draw my own conclusion

Salafis do not follow fiqh manuals such as al-hidayah al-marghinaani, mukhtsar al-quduri or umdat as-salik, etc, because these books are based on and are *specific* to a particular madhab.

now.. I find my humble self simply incapable to explain fiqhi principles and intricacies in greater detail - it would be wrong if i did - ive not studied usul al-hadith etc, so I will gladly give way to our more knowledgable brothers/sisters in the forum to explain further inshaAllah.. Smile


May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.


I have studied in Jamia al Karam in Retford, the reason why i gave you that information was not out of boast, but simply background infromation, therefore clarifying what angle i am coming from and subhaanaallah, scholarship is it a cheap price nowdays. One can simply study an alim course and attain the titles like alaamah etc. Whereas, you mention Imaam Shaafi had 600 ijaazas. Even the salafis admit that the days of the mujtahideen are over. You have mentioned mukhtasir ul Quduri, masha'allah i am priveleged to have studied somwhat of that text and i have it with me. Its definatly a text from the era of the salaf, so its really hard to understand why the salafiyah would reject that. I will look into that further. I know some salafi brothers that dont reject the schools of thought, they just dont follow some of the masaa'il, like whale and prawns being haraam in Hanafi, leaving the finger errected in tashasdud. Many are not aware of the lenience in madhabs, for example the are for different ways the shaafi madhab is practised around the world, some malakis raise the hands like a shaafi and a hanbalee does, etc. With saying this there are also the extremes which say you are not allowed to follow an imaam whatsoever, however those people are irrational and hard to reason with, but i do find that they do not repersent the majority.

For many years now i have been taught to hate the wahaabies, however recently, i decided to be fair and drop that hatred and try and build bridges of understanding. I hope members like Omorow do the same.

Thanks for keeping the thread open, and i welcome any comments, put nicely as people have here. theres to much hatemonging going on nowadays and i would like to believe we are better than that and the way this convrsation has been conducted suggests we can be. wasalams


"Noori...*" wrote:

[b][color=indigo]So i presume you've met all the salafi brothers and sisters out there in the world, Omrow?

You cannot go around saying so and so doesn't love Allahs beloved,
we are Allah Azwajals creation, so let him judge us and not you.[/color][/b]

Satan is also God's creation, remember?

And no, I have not met all morons of this world.

Anyway, I have friends who are Salafis.

I met many boys and girls in University.

We used to get along fine.

They are nice people.

I just dont take religious lessons from them.

They dont really know what they are talking about.

Look at Saudi Arabia.

They turn to Washington more than they turn towards Mecca.



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