DM Digital

On DM Digital there is a program Called `Sufi baba` and people ring in and say that they son or daughter is feeling very ill and the have this that he says get som kameez or a taweez he says measure it and then hold it in your hands the he says Bismillah Milllah Irahmah Niraheem ............................................. then he just goes quite and after he puts his face up and blows out and says ring back and tell him if it has gone bigger and he charges £2.50 for a call

"My mum says it is Fake and they do it For money"
What do you think?

and do you watch sai baba on DM?? similar stuff the sufi baba. he also does alot of blowing!! Well he's from bolton and sell carpets and sofas off camera!! And ripped my mum off once with some ugly sofas!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

"peacegirl" wrote:
and do you watch sai baba on DM?? similar stuff the sufi baba. he also does alot of blowing!! Well he's from bolton and sell carpets and sofas off camera!! And ripped my mum off once with some ugly sofas!!

im not sure if i should be angry or cry, sorry to hear that peacegirl Sad i hate people who fraud others this is not how we deal in business in Islam. Allot of people have warned me about his show and the whole DM network, not good .....


I think this new thread is quite interesting. A lot of youth watch these kinds of programmes because either their parents are watching it or there's nothing else to watch....... I totally disagree with these kinds of programmes. What they do is not against Islam but by broadcasting it to the wider audience is what is wrong. They give a very negative view of Islam to other people watching. I believe in Friends of Allah and I believe in people who have been given permission to help others through the knowledge they have but the way the "Peers" on DM do it is wrong. In this era I think there are a minority of Peers who actually do truly possess true knowledge in helping cure peoples problems.

"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"

"saffy786" wrote:

I think this new thread is quite interesting. A lot of youth watch these kinds of programmes because either their parents are watching it or there's nothing else to watch....... I totally disagree with these kinds of programmes. What they do is not against Islam but by broadcasting it to the wider audience is what is wrong. They give a very negative view of Islam to other people watching. I believe in Friends of Allah and I believe in people who have been given permission to help others through the knowledge they have but the way the "Peers" on DM do it is wrong. In this era I think there are a minority of Peers who actually do truly possess true knowledge in helping cure peoples problems.

my mum has rang the istihara propgrammes on tv. dunno which channel. she was a little confused about where she should marry my younger brother. pakistan or here. and the guy on the show told her not to even THINK of getting him married from the uk!!!

Now my mum has come across a family, who have a really nice daughter. FROM THE UK!! NOW WHAT??

live and let live!!!!!!!

"peacegirl" wrote:
"saffy786" wrote:

I think this new thread is quite interesting. A lot of youth watch these kinds of programmes because either their parents are watching it or there's nothing else to watch....... I totally disagree with these kinds of programmes. What they do is not against Islam but by broadcasting it to the wider audience is what is wrong. They give a very negative view of Islam to other people watching. I believe in Friends of Allah and I believe in people who have been given permission to help others through the knowledge they have but the way the "Peers" on DM do it is wrong. In this era I think there are a minority of Peers who actually do truly possess true knowledge in helping cure peoples problems.

my mum has rang the istihara propgrammes on tv. dunno which channel. she was a little confused about where she should marry my younger brother. pakistan or here. and the guy on the show told her not to even THINK of getting him married from the uk!!!

Now my mum has come across a family, who have a really nice daughter. FROM THE UK!! NOW WHAT??

Salaam Peacegirl,

Im kind of sad to hear that and a little confused. If there is someone that is perfect for your brother and they both are compatiable then what's the problem? What are you waiting for? The other thing is sister that looking at it from an Islamic view you should not delay in getting them married as you should always take the chace when it comes. I pray it all works out for your brother and please do not listen to these "fake peers". They have no right to go and ruin other people's lives!!!!


"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"

Most chat show hosts have nothing better to do.

Ignore Ignore Ignore.

Almost as useless as Admins. Smile

You cannot categorise people.

All generalisations are wrong. Even this one.

Youi cannot say peoiple from such and such a place are bad and people from such and such a place are good.

There are good and bad people everywhere.

The two people for marriage need to be compatible. having different cultures can lead to disillusionment.

So I say see the person, not the location.

Everyone has an opinion. Not all of them should be aired or made public.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.