help me out!

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"cricketgal" wrote:
Pray Istikharah.

Really..there will be no better decision after that.

is it just two voluntry nawaful and hw does it wrk, i nt sure but is it wen i get a sign in my dream , do i say wat my promblem is just before i start the prayer?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"geniesis" wrote:
"cricketgal" wrote:
Pray Istikharah.

Really..there will be no better decision after that.

is it just two voluntry nawaful and hw does it wrk, i nt sure but is it wen i get a sign in my dream , do i say wat my promblem is just before i start the prayer?

i not sure :roll:

Thrz a thread on this topic. I suggest you go and find it or look it up on sunnipath.

"geniesis" wrote:
i'm reli confused at the moment in which two of the A levels sociology or psychology to pick

iv'e had a feel of teh two bt i still canot make my mind up

just wondering what u guys thought is better of the two which one of teh subjects is more intresting and worth while studying?

ur responses will be much appercaited

if u could simply just write down teh subject u think is worth while stuyding? Smile

If you want to be a psychiatrist then do Psychology.

But it mostly depends on what other A Levels you're doing.

Given that you want to be a psychiatrist there's not really much need to do Sociology if you're also doing Economics, History, Philosophy.

Maybe do Psychology, Biology, and possibly Maths.

BTW shouldn't you have started college by now? It's mid-September.

"Beast" wrote:
"geniesis" wrote:
i'm reli confused at the moment in which two of the A levels sociology or psychology to pick

iv'e had a feel of teh two bt i still canot make my mind up

just wondering what u guys thought is better of the two which one of teh subjects is more intresting and worth while studying?

ur responses will be much appercaited

if u could simply just write down teh subject u think is worth while stuyding? Smile

If you want to be a psychiatrist then do Psychology.

But it mostly depends on what other A Levels you're doing.

Given that you want to be a psychiatrist there's not really much need to do Sociology if you're also doing Economics, History, Philosophy.

Maybe do Psychology, Biology, and possibly Maths.

BTW shouldn't you have started college by now? It's mid-September.

psychiatrist i always had a passion for it bt know thinking a little more i dnt think i wat to become it, its just sounds intresting,

yeh i started but at 6 form and well i nt sure for certain bt i think it should be fine for me to drop subjects and pick up different ones its buiness studies betac i dng and genreal studies and currently socioalogy.
i knw this is off track bt art just come to my mind has anyone of u guys took it up?

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

At the very least you should change from General Studies to a proper A Level. Like English, or Maths, or a Science.

why are u dissing GS

i did that at AS level

tis no diff to a socilogy A level

zakallah for all the suggestions and advice on here again much apperciated to everyone who posted. they hve been very helpful indeeed Smile

but can someone lock this topic or i will be keep posting little concerns i may have regarding teh topic u guys as much as me are probally sick of teh two subjects by now

i think i just gng to have a long weekend in bed more then anything !

i take it its admin that can only lock topics on here

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Beast" wrote:
At the very least you should change from General Studies to a proper A Level. Like English, or Maths, or a Science.

we have to do genreal studies in our skool

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

genie make sure u settle in a subject ur 100%happy in

let me know yeh wat subject u do take up safe [/color]

Well genie its quite simple, just do a lil research on both subjects and see which one u prefer the most.

Dont confuze yourself with too many differnt subjects, you could always do As Psyclgy this year and then do As Sociolgy next year.

Get over it.

"Exquisite" wrote:
[color=magenta]the unit is called 4B-criminological psychology so topic is crime n psychology i think you probably did a different examination board our sixth form does edexcel[/color]

Yeah we didn't do that topic, our examining board was AQA.

But the topic you're doing sounds interesting.

general studies was so whack was forced to do it x didnt go to any of the lessons just took the exam n (failed) lol D

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Ahh general studies. Regarding whether or not gifted children should be given special schooling to make the most of their talents I wrote how such children were probabaly using their gifts (read: Magic powers) to go unnoticed. I'm sure I got Micheal Jackson in there (and protested his innocence...yep, on an exam paper!)

There was a question saying are we in a shopping revolution, discuss?

My friend wrote "Whether we are in a shopping revolution or not is not the real question, the real question is do I care? The answer is no."


I got an E.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

"Dawud" wrote:
Ahh general studies. Regarding whether or not gifted children should be given special schooling to make the most of their talents I wrote how such children were probabaly using their gifts (read: Magic powers) to go unnoticed. I'm sure I got Micheal Jackson in there (and protested his innocence...yep, on an exam paper!)

There was a question saying are we in a shopping revolution, discuss?

My friend wrote "Whether we are in a shopping revolution or not is not the real question, the real question is do I care? The answer is no."


I got an E.

Snapz! i was so proud of my E lol Dirol

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.


"geniesis" wrote:

help me out !

i'm reli confused at the moment in which two of the A levels sociology or psychology to pick
iv'e had a feel of teh two bt i still canot make my mind up
just wondering what u guys thought is better of the two which one of teh subjects is more intresting and worth while studying?
ur responses will be much appercaited

Psychology is better than sociology.

Its more interesting.

In sociology, you study [b]HOW[/b] much society is messed up, which is something we can all see anyway.

In psychology, you get to study [b]WHY[/b] the society is so messed up.

The former will make you affraid. The latter will make you brave.

Good luck.


"Omrow" wrote:

"geniesis" wrote:

help me out !

i'm reli confused at the moment in which two of the A levels sociology or psychology to pick
iv'e had a feel of teh two bt i still canot make my mind up
just wondering what u guys thought is better of the two which one of teh subjects is more intresting and worth while studying?
ur responses will be much appercaited

Psychology is better than sociology.

Its more interesting.

In sociology, you study [b]HOW[/b] much society is messed up, which is something we can all see anyway.

In psychology, you get to study [b]WHY[/b] the society is so messed up.

The former will make you affraid. The latter will make you brave.

Good luck.


thats a really good way of summing up the difference btween psychoogy and sociology [/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

u sorted yet genie![/color]

Glad to help out a stuck Jinn.

I just hope the Jinn helps me out one day when I need it.

"Kadijah" wrote:
u sorted yet genie![/color]

yesss at lastttt i guess i'm stuck with sociology as pyschology does not fit my timetable at alll.. never mind i only doing it for year cnt be that bad.. well i hope so anyway.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"Omrow" wrote:
Glad to help out a stuck Jinn.

I just hope the Jinn helps me out one day when I need it.

....well just make sure u stay in genie's good books omrow.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"geniesis" wrote:
"Kadijah" wrote:
u sorted yet genie![/color]

yesss at lastttt i guess i'm stuck with sociology as pyschology does not fit my timetable at alll.. never mind i only doing it for year cnt be that bad.. well i hope so anyway.


gdgdgdg! Smile [/color] at last my genieee sorted!
