Med has been banned. Again.

Well, good riddance.

I hope you enjoy going cold turkey.

And remember that when breaking huqooqul Ibad, Allah (swt) will NOT forgive you until the actual person has.


i'm shocked to say the least.

he kept on and on relentlessly all the while counting on the good manners of the forum members precisely because he knew where they were coming from and that they would be polite.

however i'm not as polite as i wish to be and i mentioned some of his scholars but to be fair to me i still did not recite chapter and verse about their negatives i only said ple do their own research as writing stuff about them in detail would have just given Med an extra opportunity to rant and rave and made me look like a petty tit for tat trouble maker.

Also i feel i do indeed know more about Meds masters and their creed then he himself knows - unfortunately a lot more.

if only he could have had some manners and instead of pasting long tracts from the books of his scholars to try and brainwash us with he would write 'i believe or my scholars believe' instead of writing everything as if it was the word of God and not the word of his masters.

its good that he has been banned because carrying on would have meant a nasty war with both parties losing dignity.

Well its about time.

Perps like him need to be banned to show them we aint gonna take this cr@p from anyone. You break the rules you're monkey a$$ goes down.

And the less we talk about it the better.

Back in BLACK

You can't completely ban Med.

He'll still pop in now and again to check up on what we're all saying and post on the tech board. Eventually he'll ask to be let back.

"Beast" wrote:
You can't completely ban Med.

He'll still pop in now and again to check up on what we're all saying and post on the tech board. Eventually he'll ask to be let back.

Yeah and this time he shouldn't, he had his chance he blew it big time.

YES i very happy he gone at least i never see his VIEW AGAIN.

MED gone i think their another person come to replace him AGAIN

making my blood boil

not mentioning any names.

BUT I THINK most of u will discover in time.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

If you cant answer my comments about your cult then please refrain from personally insulting me.

"If your love is sincere then obey him; for the lover obeys the one whom he loves."
"When a community takes to misdeeds, it takes to decorating Mosques"

"(*_Kamilah*" wrote:
If you cant answer my comments about your cult then please refrain from personally insulting me.

ur comments are not worth answering thats why i nt answering people like u dont deserve to be on here. revival lovely bunch the odd one like u gives the palce a bad name.

even tho i give u an answer u still have an issue .

i suggest u find another forum where ur views and opinions will be more
suited. actually where ever u go u leave an ill vibe.

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

"geniesis" wrote:
"(*_Kamilah*" wrote:
If you cant answer my comments about your cult then please refrain from personally insulting me.

ur comments are not worth answering thats why i nt answering people like u dont deserve to be on here. revival lovely bunch the odd one like u gives the palce a bad name.

even tho i give u an answer u still have an issue .

i suggest u find another forum where ur views and opinions will be more
suited. actually where ever u go u leave an ill vibe.

yes sis i had to deal with one of these before .

[color=red]man it doesnt ever sink in thier think heads u explain to thm ten times hudreds times they never get it they nt wrth answering too[/color]

"Beast" wrote:
You can't completely ban Med.

He'll still pop in now and again to check up on what we're all saying and post on the tech board. Eventually he'll ask to be let back.

Currently die to spammer issues, even the tech board requires membership.

All he can do is add comments to articles on the main site, but those are moderated before appearing.

Or he can email me, but since he has abused my hospitality, it's not gonna be easy for him to return.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

There cant be any third chances.

- on a seperate note how necessary is this thread and the no topic thread? They seem excessive in light of the fact we know med was banned and why, and they seem to be doing nothing but provoking arguments. And it does seem rather classless to cast stones after the situation has been canceled. Med screwed up big time, Med's no longer welcome here, there is no need to discuss him any further.

Ok, this topic is now locked.

We do not need a commentary on the decision I made.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Odysseus" wrote:
. Med screwed up big time, Med's no longer welcome here, there is no need to discuss him any further.

done and dusted.

Topic locked