
Well that was fairly painful.

I really wish they'd stop wheeling out Haleh Afsar to talk about muslim issues as she clearly doesn't know what she's talking about.

This was probably the moderate side of 'Mad' Mel.

How do people like Haleh Afsar get into high posts in Unis such as York? They really need to learn how to handle media appearences and how to construct a 'for TV' argument.

"Beast" wrote:
This was probably the moderate side of 'Mad' Mel.

Well she's said several times on her website that she believes Islam is the cause of terrorism. If that is her view she should at least be honest enough to express it consistantly. She shouldn't attack political correctness then resort to it herself when she feels the audience won't be receptive to her points. By the way she flat out lied on several issues.She's not against multi-culturalism or a victimhood culture. She's against it for everyone accept jews. I'd say that's a pretty important distinction.

"Beast" wrote:
How do people like Haleh Afsar get into high posts in Unis such as York? They really need to learn how to handle media appearences and how to construct a 'for TV' argument.

Not only is she incapable of argueing but she generally knows very little about Islam which is supposed to be the topic she's studied. I really wish the BBC and others would stop using her