Free Iftaar with BOONA MOHAMMAD

You know how the month of Ramadan is the month the Quran was revealed, but do you ever feel disconnected from the Quran. Do you ever long be draw closer to it? This is your chance.

Join us for a night of inspirational speeches, powerful performances and iftaar. This will all be in aid of the people of Syria. Book now to reserve you place. We have limited spaces left but want you to be part of the experience.

Guest Speakers to include Boonaa Mohammed and Sheikh Naveed Aziz (Al Maghrib institute) all the way from Canada and our very own Dr Uthman Lateef.


Venue: Waterlily Banqueting Hall, 68-89 Mile End Rd, E1 4TT

Date + Time: Thursday 02nd of August

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Feel free to let all your friends and family too! It will be unforgettable inshAllah!


Golden Darkness wrote:

PLZ tell me ur doing one in Birmingham..i am SUCHAAA BIG fan of Boona Mohammed Smile

Islamic Help are doing one on 3rd August, 6pm, Edgbaston cricket ground. Boona Mohammed will be there too.
Go to for more info.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Golden Darkness wrote:

PLZ tell me ur doing one in Birmingham..i am SUCHAAA BIG fan of Boona Mohammed Smile

one question...

are you tablirighi jamat?

honest question...

they say a new prophet will come. is this him? or was it ibn taymia?

i make no partners with Allah (SWT) or Rasulullah (SAW)

please dont elevate people. its wrong sister.

Hamza13 wrote:

Golden Darkness wrote:

PLZ tell me ur doing one in Birmingham..i am SUCHAAA BIG fan of Boona Mohammed Smile

one question...

are you tablirighi jamat?

honest question...

they say a new prophet will come. is this him? or was it ibn taymia?

i make no partners with Allah (SWT) or Rasulullah (SAW)

please dont elevate people. its wrong sister.

I think you've taken things on a level too far! The Quran clearly teaches that the prophet Muhammad (S) was the last and final messenger and there will be no prophet after him!

No one can say that a new prophet will come because this totally goes against the teachings of Islam. Boona Mohammed and Ibn Taymiyyah obviously can't be, its just not possible, thats a very silly question to ask in the first place!

Golden Darkness must be inspired and enlightened by Boona's words, and they are very engaging, so thats why she's a BIG FAN. End of. This has nothing to do with sects, groups, schools of thoughts, or anything. Its all poetry and Islam. Simples.


Golden Darkness wrote:

Hamza 13 wrote:

are you tablirighi jamat?

Soooo u are sooo out of it! Of course i do not believe in the coming of another Prophet! 

Here is my favourite work of his. It may sound very .... odd ...... but LISTEN TILL THE END and you will understand:

i didnt mean to upset you. im just saying not to elevate humans. in the bible its explain clearly. ezikiel 28. but your shahada should be enough. no partners to Allah.

also on that video. IT is perfect. he used a clever trick to keep it hiden but it should be it not she...


Golden Darkness wrote:

Hamza 13 wrote:

are you tablirighi jamat?

Soooo u are sooo out of it! Of course i do not believe in the coming of another Prophet! 

Here is my favourite work of his. It may sound very .... odd ...... but LISTEN TILL THE END and you will understand:

I thought I had heard all his poems but first time I've heard this. Thanks for sharing Smile

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Golden Darkness wrote:
Dont worry you didn't upset me i was just shocked at ur assupmtion. It was quite drastic!.and i wasn't elevating him either i was APPRECIATING his work!! Its really very inspiring and why cant/shouldn't he use 'she'

because it is not a person... its quite obvious sorry.

Have you ever wondered why some countries are referred to as 'she'? They're not people, but they're countries, with a gender!


He was using personification

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
He was using personification

i had never heard of that. i stand corrected. but not on the subject of elevating humans. my friend envited me to listen to Mohammed Gibril and i though to myself. why go there for a person and not the quran. thats what the westerners do create idols. we should be free from that. and if we did id much rather praise our Prophet (pbuh) he brought me the Quran and Islam. yet he asked himself not to elevate him. Though virtual king of Arabia and an apostle of Allah, he never assumed an air of superiority. Not that he had to conceal any such vein by practice and artifice: with fear of Allah, sincere humility was ingrained in his heart. He used to say, "I am a Prophet of Allah but I do not know what will be my end." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter "Al-Janaiz")

Just because you like someone doesn't mean you're elevating them.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Just because you like someone doesn't mean you're elevating them.

does saying you are a fan not elevate him?

Hamza13 wrote:

TPOS wrote:
Just because you like someone doesn't mean you're elevating them.

does saying you are a fan not elevate him?

fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person who supports with a liking and enthusiasm for something, such as a band, a sports team or entertainer. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They may show theirenthusiasm by being a member of a fan club, holding fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or by promoting the object of their interest and attention. Some fans even take it as far as impersonating their idol or go into a state of insanity by believing they are the character the person is obsessed with.

note the mention of idol in the text. being a fan means you see them as an idol...


No it does not mean you see them as an idol. G.D has already expressed her beliefs, she is inspired by him, that is all.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
No it does not mean you see them as an idol. G.D has already expressed her beliefs, she is inspired by him, that is all.

 what confuses me is making partners with Allah is shirk the worst sin. yet its like you deffend it on many feeds... what are you promoting?

TPOS wrote:
No it does not mean you see them as an idol. G.D has already expressed her beliefs, she is inspired by him, that is all.

 its like your excussing it. just ispired by it thats all...

Hamza13 wrote:

TPOS wrote:
No it does not mean you see them as an idol. G.D has already expressed her beliefs, she is inspired by him, that is all.

 its like your excussing it. just ispired by it thats all...

 him not it sorry

Do you think we shouldn't be inspired by the sahabah too? (who were obviously not Prophets). Do you know how likely the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) spoke of sahabah such as Abu Bakr (ra)?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Do you think we shouldn't be inspired by the sahabah too? (who were obviously not Prophets). Do you know how likely the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) spoke of sahabah such as Abu Bakr (ra)?

 sorry are you comparing bona to the sahaba? or ill go a step further. is ibn taymia like the sahaba?

No. You were talking about elevating their status, as if saying someone inspires u makes it the same as seeing the as an idol, so I asked u if u knew of the status of the sahabah. You seem to agree that they are held in wry high regard. Now u wouldn't say anyone saw them as idols, would you?!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
No. You were talking about elevating their status, as if saying someone inspires u makes it the same as seeing the as an idol, so I asked u if u knew of the status of the sahabah. You seem to agree that they are held in wry high regard. Now u wouldn't say anyone saw them as idols, would you?!

 and im saying boona is hardly like the sahaba...

I dont see why you need to compare one with the other. That makes no sense.

The sahaba wer great no doubt abot it, but it dnt mean other ppl cant be great too. 

The sahaba exist as inspiration to us all. And if Boona Mohammed also inspires ppl towards islam then whats the problem?

Why compare ppl, wen all u hav to do is luk at the good any individual has done & call it what it is.

Theres a legal phrase we somtimes use: each case should be decided upon its own merits.

May Allah (swt) forgive any misunderstandngs on our part, and grant us the knowledge and wisedom to understand. 


Back in BLACK

Golden Darkness wrote:
okaii Hamza13 there re a few points i'd like u to understand. 1) just because someine inspires u does not mean that they r elevated in statua, it means they INSPIRE you. i suggest you look the word up. 2) ur definition of 'fan' seems to have come from wikipedia which is a notoriuosly unreliable source in some/most cases. 3)there is nothing wrobg with holding people in high regard as long as they are not sooo high that you are onto the point of elevating them to the status off the priphets or moreover ALlah. 4) i hold Boona Mohammed in high regard, because of the work he does and out of appreciation for his attempts at inspirin islam and reviving islam in the youth and in certain communities.BUT i do not hold him in regard so much that he becomes my idol nor do i give him the status of the Prophets and sahabah and i most certainly do not associre him as a partner of Allah! 5) Nobody on here is associating him as a partner of Allah. and nw a question.. why have u made this into such a big deal!!??!

im sorry but im not making a big deal out of it. im simply saying for people not to elevate mere humans. however it seems you all are making a big deal out of it defending the other corner. if you want to praise him i wont stop you. i just sugested you not to.

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