Mistreatment within Marriage

I am not going to bother watching that video but there is no teaching in Islam, which allows the mistreatment of women! It was Islam that gave women many rights and stopped females from being buried alive!


Hummus wrote:

I am not going to bother watching that video

Go on

Hummus wrote:
but there is no teaching in Islam, which allows the mistreatment of women! It was Islam that gave women many rights and stopped females from being buried alive!

I made a topic a few months ago

You are allowed to hit your wife in Islam

My English is not very good

lollywood wrote:

You are allowed to hit your wife in Islam

Look up the definition of mistreatment. Even when hitting your wives, there are many ristrictions and it shouldn't be done with such force. It should be done to make a message clear to her and is only apllicable in extreme cases! Also, the husband should only do it if he is sure that it will improve the situation.


Hummus wrote:
Look up the definition of mistreatment.

Please tell me that word in urdu or punjabi

Hummus wrote:
Even when hitting your wives, there are many ristrictions and it shouldn't be done with such force.

That's funny, when a mans angry he's not going to think about how hard he hits his wife he's just gonna give her a wallop

Hummus wrote:
It should be done to make a message clear to her and is only apllicable in extreme cases! Also, the husband should only do it if he is sure that it will improve the situation.

Why did Islam allow men that power anyway?

My English is not very good

the title of this threat doesnt reflect what its truly abt. ould you maybe change the title?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

The title/link automatically assumes that polygamy is mistreating women. probably is true often enough, but not everything fits in one box.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Well any idea of what it should be changed to?


OK, Hummus and Lollywood, I'm going to stop you two right there. With all due respect you're both wrong.

Lollywood, you misundertsood the topic ages ago, because what's allowed isn't hitting or beating, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who even you have to accept understands the Quran better than you do, made that clear.

 He even went further to say that "a strong man is he who can control himself while angry."

 So, it's really shoddy and wrong to say that Islam allows beating or hitting.

Lollywood, please don't quote the mistranslation here again, believe you me it's getting boring.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

Wow, I suppose it's over.......

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp? I don't get what part of what i said is wrong. You seemed to be just talking about Lollywood!

Islam doesn't allow the beating or mistreatment of women, (i mentioned that in one of the first posts) and when i said that hitting should only happen in extreme cases, hitting refers to a light little feather touch, and no where near, hurting or bruising her at all! Thats what i was trying to say anyway...

I totally agree, patience and controlling yourself are very imporatant qualities in life!



I agree with Lamp.  Just because the word Islam is in the same sentence as women and victims doesnt mean Islam reflects that.  Far from it!!  Yet people fail to see that unfortunately. Beee

Hummus wrote:

The Lamp? I don't get what part of what i said is wrong. You seemed to be just talking about Lollywood!

Islam doesn't allow the beating or mistreatment of women, (i mentioned that in one of the first posts) and when i said that hitting should only happen in extreme cases, hitting refers to a light little feather touch, and no where near, hurting or bruising her at all! Thats what i was trying to say anyway...

I totally agree, patience and controlling yourself are very imporatant qualities in life!



Hi Hummus,


OK I would have made that clear, and avoided the word "hit" or "beat".

I personally think it is misleading, I even try and avoid Quranic translations that describe it like that.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi