Why I'm feeling in a good mood today :-)

I was just looking through the internet and came across MYH (Muslim Youth Helpline)It's like a confidential non judgmental helpline for Muslim Youth who are experiencing the "down" of the ups and downs of life.

They have their bank details on the site and need regular donations. Something as little as £15 will help support one helpline volunteer for a whole month.

In my opinion, this is a really good organisation that should get the help and support of everyone which is why I'm setting up a standnig order this afternoon.BTW - £15 is not the minimum donation they take. According to the website it could even be a £1 one off donation (15 people do this and that's one volunteer supported for a whole month)

It's the volunteers who sacrafice their time and expert skills that are the real heros in this. The least I can do is provide them with a little financial support.

While I was growingg up, i would have LOVED to have access to an organisation like this one. I wouldn't have felt as lost and alone as I did.

I was planning on going to the cinema this weekend, but I think I'll give it a miss now. £15 tickets for two, £7 for parking, £6 petrol to Manchester, £15 for popcorn drink and natchos, then a Kebabish on the way home for £20 and an desert from that world famous Moonlight place £6 - that's over four months of volunteer support for sacrificing four hours of my leisure time.

Imagine the difference four months of volunteer support could make. How many needy individuals could benifit from this? How many young people can be saved from doing harm to themselves.

It'll only take the cancellation of three cinema trips to support the volunteer for a WHOLE YEAR. How small a price is that to pay......?????

And to top off my good mood, I had this great idea on a Friday of all days......


MashaAllah, it's great you're willing to give up your leisure time for this!

There's so many different charities out there, all good in their own way, it's hard to decide which ones to pick.

Btw was the childline not around in your day and age?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
MashaAllah, it's great you're willing to give up your leisure time for this! There's so many different charities out there, all good in their own way, it's hard to decide which ones to pick. Btw was the childline not around in your day and age?

You're right. There are many to chose from. It's important to pick one that close to your heart. Even through tough economic times and through periods of unemployment, I try to keep my monthly commitment to the charities.

Imagine if there was one that's not close and personal to me (like RSPB), as soon as my contract was coming to an end, that'll be the first standing order I cancel.

As for childline, it was formed in 1986 so had been around for a number of years, but the thing is..... when you grow up in an "us vs them" household, you don't really look at getting help or advice from "them"

I know better now, and to some extent wish I knew this much then. But hey, I'm alive ain't I?

I really like the idea of this one because they offer everything that childline does, but where I feel these guys have the edge (for me) is that they are from the same cultural / religious background as me. To some people this may not be a big thing, but to me it is. When childline advise, they can't relate as well as these guys can (I'm only imagining - I've not made any calls to them. Maybe I should to see what they're like?)

I'll stop waffling now....


Mashallah! Well done! When I start earning I'll be thingking about donating.

By the way, how do these organisations deal with people who are about to do something "wrong" or not so wise, do they advise or do they still only listen, whatever that means?

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

Got to say.

Genuinely felt a bit cheery after reading this.

Suc a crap day today


Titanium wrote:

Otherwise it just makes you sound like you're bragging. Where's the good in that?

I didn't feel that blog came across as bragging.

It came across as more: 'why the heck don't I think like that more often, Ill put it somewhere as a blog' 

I was just not a fan of the 6th paragraph onwards. Too detailed. 


I think he was trying to encourage others to do the same, as well as saying why he's happy - not brag!

Just like you can share bad deeds for advice, I think it's alright to share good deeds like this. Otherwise you get called a hypocrite or whatever, or at the very least it makes people think "If he can do it, I can too!"

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Titanium wrote:

I don't see the point in doing a good deed for the Sake of Allah and then sharing with the world just to show how good a person you are...

But don't you do the same on tribune all the time? Or am I mistaken?Anyway, I liked the blog. Sounded genuine to me. 


Titanium wrote:

I do but I don't brag about Good ISLAMIC deeds... in fact, tell me one good Islamic deed that I've done that you know of?

I don't know, since I don't really read many peoples posts on tribune.

Just making a point, that some people do it on tribune and some people do it as a blog.

Also, Im defending this blog, because I felt that it was far from bragging. Thought that was slightly harsh. 

Not having a go at you either. In the case that thought arises. 


Titanium wrote:

I do but I don't brag about Good ISLAMIC deeds... in fact, tell me one good Islamic deed that I've done that you know of?

Good deeds don't need to be labelled 'Islamic', if they're good then they should automatically be Islamic? Though if you don't have the right intention...

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Well, i can see the 'point' in writing this blog, I don't think you intended to brag but you've tried to make all of us understand how simple and easy it is, by doing a few calculations and by giving us the practical side! Good on you!

This help line might not have volunteers with the 'same' culture and background but since its a 'Muslim Youth Helpline' it might try to show the religious side to things..

When you guys were younger did you ever 'prank' childline.. I used to know an 18 year old, who would phone them on purpose before going to bed. To this day, i don't know what she got out of it..


Back in yr 6...or was it yr7/8 :S I know someone thought it'd be fun to prank call them, can't remember if they actually did it, but they wanted to.

My friend's volunteering for the childline, just doing training yet, she goes it's hard. Like you can't tell people at the end of the phone that "it's all going to be alright" because it may not. :/

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:

My friend's volunteering for the childline, just doing training yet, she goes it's hard. Like you can't tell people at the end of the phone that "it's all going to be alright" because it may not. :/

Oooo, i know someone too.. They also train the volunteers not to take things personally, because some may get emotional and let it affect their life at home..


I was bragging?
Wow. I thought I'd heard it all before but clearly not.
Ah well....


Actually, nobody leap on me but I was thinking the same thing 


I thought, because you know how with Zakat, your left hand isn't supposed to know your right hand gave it or something in its secrecy, so doesn't it cancel it out if you like tell the internet you gave such and such money to where and you get a lot of praise?


I may be wrong, and I think you did a good thing, but I'm just wondering

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

On the other hand if you do a good deed and others copy you, then the reward is multiplied.

So if its encouragement or even discussion, its not a bad thing.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Titanium wrote:

Northen Southener wrote:
I was bragging? Wow. I thought I'd heard it all before but clearly not. Ah well....


So someone's beat me to it? du'oh!

and this also means you have a tendency to share with the world how good a person you are. I find that arrogant. I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean any offence, I'm just weird. maybe.


I hope you're going to carry on posting regardless of what I write or think. I think I might just be a bigot or maybe just stubborn. I'm not selling myself very well am I? Blum 3

Chill dude. It's your opinion and you have every right to it as I have every right to post my thoughts. I may make childish comments (like the one above) but I never hold a grudge.

I may even post something one day that you may agree with.

How boring would life be if we all agreed all the time?
