Eating Habits!

Assalamualaykum Dudes and Dudettes!

So, the other day my friend was eating crisps. WITH HER LEFT HAND!!! Its been drilled into me,(curtesy of my parents)ever since day one to eat with me right hand. So naturally when seeing my muslim friend eating with her left i reacted in a way that is expected of me
(haha-tugged the crisp out of her hand and screamed excessively... :D)

Anyways, after explaining to her that it is sunnah to eat with the right hand , she vowed to never eat with her left again as she wanted to implement the sunnah... BUT it got me thinking though... in this "western" culture, eating with the "wrong" hand is the norm. At resturants, knives are laid on the right and forks on the left. (I got frowned at once when i swapped them around) So how do we raise awareness of the sunnah?

The basics of islamic manners are forgot when you see that big yummy plateful of food.I know for one that i sometimes forget to say my Bismillahs and Alhamdulilahs at the start and end of a meal... cant really implement the stuff on non-muslims.

but its all about reminding each other. someone saying bismillah loud so the rest here, another one reminding the left handers to eat with the right hand and another one to say alhamdoulillah.
the more you love Allah subhanahou wa ta'ala the more you'll be able to remember this stuff i think.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

thanks gonna have to start doing that now insha Allah

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH