

I was just wondering, what your views were on eyes.

I mean not eyes in general, but about eyes speaking more than words.

I have heard from a Yiddish Proverb (don't ask me what that it) that eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Even I have been told that my eyes say more than my words.

What do you guys think?


I think that eyes let us see things.

/deep thought.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
I think that eyes let us see things.

/deep thought.

Yeah I understand you when you say that eyes let us see things- very realistic!

But I don't understand what you mean by 'deep thought'. Did you mean it as a deep thought. Or as eyes let you see into your deepest thoughts??

In Imam Qurtubi's book about Etiquettes of Reading and Handling the Qur'an al-Kareem, he does mention:

25. to give one's eyes their share of looking at it, for the eyes lead to the soul (nafs), whereas there is a veil between the breast and the soul, and the Qur'an is in the breast.

I agree, you can see alot in someone's eyes, especially their worst fear...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

Thankyou for your Amazing picture on the most complex parts of the eyes. Biggrin

But I still don't understand why people say that eyes speak louder than words.

BeautifulFaith95 wrote:
Thankyou for your Amazing picture on the most complex parts of the eyes. Biggrin

But I still don't understand why people say that eyes speak louder than words.

Huh? Literally nobody has ever said that! Actions speaks louder than words, but eyes don't have mouths

Don't just do something! Stand there.

actually thats not exactly true
people have told me my eyes speak alot
it shows when your upset, it shines when your really happy, it shows when your scared and nervous
mine choose to be annoying and show when im guilty and dont lie! :@ lol
so yeah your eyes do speak Smile
i think eyes speak emotions and innosence (if thats how you spell it) more than anything

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
actually thats not exactly true
people have told me my eyes speak alot
it shows when your upset, it shines when your really happy, it shows when your scared and nervous
mine choose to be annoying and show when im guilty and dont lie! :@ lol
so yeah your eyes do speak Smile
i think eyes speak emotions and innosence (if thats how you spell it) more than anything

+1 (and its spelt innocence)

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Baron-Cohen's research on people with Autism.

Eyes reflecting different state of minds. the eyes MUST show quite a lot.
and unlike the mouth you cant lie/hide true feelings.

notice how you cant look into people's EYES but only one eye at a time.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

is it? i always thought i did do that

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

BeautifulFaith95 wrote:

I was just wondering, what your views were on eyes.

I mean not eyes in general, but about eyes speaking more than words.

I have heard from a Yiddish Proverb (don't ask me what that it) that eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Even I have been told that my eyes say more than my words.

What do you guys think?


You mean the 3rd eye? I still believe in it. Some people see things which are visible from our ordinary eyes. They're gifted with the God given eyes.

Lilly wrote:
Baron-Cohen's research on people with Autism.

Eyes reflecting different state of minds. the eyes MUST show quite a lot.
and unlike the mouth you cant lie/hide true feelings.

notice how you cant look into people's EYES but only one eye at a time.

Ok, Lilstein we GET IT

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

mush91 wrote:
actually thats not exactly true
people have told me my eyes speak alot
it shows when your upset, it shines when your really happy, it shows when your scared and nervous
mine choose to be annoying and show when im guilty and dont lie! :@ lol
so yeah your eyes do speak Smile
i think eyes speak emotions and innosence (if thats how you spell it) more than anything

So maybe meant to say that eyes are a window to the soul.
Windows don't talk either, but u can see thru them

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Mmmm. That eyeball looks like a Monster Jawbreaker...

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

haha i think your just hungry lol

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
is it? i always thought i did do that

its very easy to prove. walk up to the nearest person and stare in their eye"s". see if oyu can do it. let us know how it goes. (inshaAllah, the closest person isnt a non-mahraam woman, else we'll end up with a slapped Mush...)

@ Ripper, im just saying, a whole psychological study was conducted on it, so eyes MUST show something. and it seems its not just "something" its actually quite a lot.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

haha yeaaaa i'll just be all bruised up lol

truth is i cant stare no one straight in the eyes, well not for too long
i feel uncomfortable and laugh or look away

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

just think of it as an experiment for the purpose of science and enlightment. (GRINNO)

try with your mum?dad?bro? or tell someone to do it to you.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
mush91 wrote:
is it? i always thought i did do that

its very easy to prove. walk up to the nearest person and stare in their eye"s". see if oyu can do it. let us know how it goes. (inshaAllah, the closest person isnt a non-mahraam woman, else we'll end up with a slapped Mush...)

@ Ripper, im just saying, a whole psychological study was conducted on it, so eyes MUST show something. and it seems its not just "something" its actually quite a lot.

LOL. i must say...a very entertaining scenario Lol (sorry mush)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

mush91 wrote:
haha yeaaaa i'll just be all bruised up lol

truth is i cant stare no one straight in the eyes, well not for too long
i feel uncomfortable and laugh or look away

Sissy, what u scared of?

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

bilan wrote:
Lilly wrote:
mush91 wrote:
is it? i always thought i did do that

its very easy to prove. walk up to the nearest person and stare in their eye"s". see if oyu can do it. let us know how it goes. (inshaAllah, the closest person isnt a non-mahraam woman, else we'll end up with a slapped Mush...)

@ Ripper, im just saying, a whole psychological study was conducted on it, so eyes MUST show something. and it seems its not just "something" its actually quite a lot.

LOL. i must say...a very entertaining scenario Lol (sorry mush)

What's so funny about being slapped by a gal?
They can't do much damage anyway, in fact if she is sweet lookin many guys won't mind her slapping them just so she can touch em!!

Me, I'll just bite her fingers off.

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

Jack the Ripper wrote:
mush91 wrote:
haha yeaaaa i'll just be all bruised up lol

truth is i cant stare no one straight in the eyes, well not for too long
i feel uncomfortable and laugh or look away

Sissy, what u scared of?

its called hayaa. also known as modesty. Keep your comment to yourself please. you're being a nuisance.

oh crap! i said i'd ignore this moron! sorry...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
Jack the Ripper wrote:
mush91 wrote:
haha yeaaaa i'll just be all bruised up lol

truth is i cant stare no one straight in the eyes, well not for too long
i feel uncomfortable and laugh or look away

Sissy, what u scared of?

its called hayaa. also known as modesty. Keep your comment to yourself please. you're being a nuisance.

oh crap! i said i'd ignore this moron! sorry...

Shut your face first you "what the frick" nonsical, lousy excuse of a ...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

shut your bloody neck and hope to choke on your spit.
why do you haveto be annoying. you need more respect for women. what was you born from?...a man?

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
shut your bloody neck and hope to choke on your spit.
why do you haveto be annoying. you need more respect for women. what was you born from?...a man?


@ Ripper: ur quite a character arent u???

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
mush91 wrote:
shut your bloody neck and hope to choke on your spit.
why do you haveto be annoying. you need more respect for women. what was you born from?...a man?


@ Ripper: ur quite a character arent u???

Oh no, don't get me wrong, they drew first blood...


If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

mush91 wrote:
shut your bloody neck and hope to choke on your spit.
why do you haveto be annoying. you need more respect for women. what was you born from?...a man?


If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

haha will you really? Biggrin
dont do internet beef but trust me if you was to want to do that to me you might aswell rot.
havent you realised why people say things to you after you post comments?
descency dude...get some.

you know what though ripper. i like you you make me laugh lmao.

The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform

if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.

mush91 wrote:
haha will you really? Biggrin
dont do internet beef but trust me if you was to want to do that to me you might aswell rot.
havent you realised why people say things to you after you post comments?
descency dude...get some.

you know what though ripper. i like you you make me laugh lmao.

And I hope a scorpion stings you up your @ss :badgrin:

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

mush91 wrote:
haha will you really? Biggrin
dont do internet beef but trust me if you was to want to do that to me you might aswell rot.
havent you realised why people say things to you after you post comments?
descency dude...get some.

you know what though ripper. i like you you make me laugh lmao.

+1. tht brought tears to my eyes. silent tears cos im in a public place lol. and again! what is ur problem with hairy hippos??????! i think we need to confront this problem once and for all...

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
