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you're not wrong, it's where there is a necessity.

gosh i wish i was admin so i could tear that video down potentially gross=pg. ive not seen it but the title says enough.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

WHAT???? DELETE!!!!!!

(didn even watch it yet, but knw its gnna be bad already :/ )

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Foysol89 wrote:

i was referring to the young muslims out there that hang around non- mahrams on a regular basis which is completely haram.

As far as I am aware, that is conditioned and almost inevitable![/quote]

yeah i have added the conditions on a post below that. hopefully that answers your question Smile

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Ocean wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:

i was referring to the young muslims out there that hang around non- mahrams on a regular basis which is completely haram.

As far as I am aware, that is conditioned and almost inevitable!

yeah i have added the conditions on a post below that. hopefully that answers your question Smile

I didn't ask a question...
and oops didn't see that post.[/quote]

you know what i mean

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Ocean wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:
Ocean wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:

i was referring to the young muslims out there that hang around non- mahrams on a regular basis which is completely haram.

Ocean wrote:
As far as I am aware, that is conditioned and almost inevitable!

yeah i have added the conditions on a post below that. hopefully that answers your question Smile

I didn't ask a question...
and oops didn't see that post.

you know what i mean

nope, what did you mean?

i meant to assure you that i had added more to my post and that there lie your conditions Smile

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Foysol89 wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:

i was referring to the young muslims out there that hang around non- mahrams on a regular basis which is completely haram.

As far as I am aware, that is conditioned and almost inevitable!

and if there are some entanglements, it can be resolved in a halaal way through marriage.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Yes, lets teach people celibacy.

Except that does not work.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

But why?

If they can get married, surely that is the better way?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Just to keep Ocean happy


00:09:07 Foysol89 00:07:54 you are failing to understand the bigger picture i think

00:10:18 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:09:07 the bigger picture could have been done without showing the actual picture

00:11:26 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:10:18 its an Islamic site, that is haram and goes against keeping that kind of sexual stuff a secret therefore it should have been deleted

this makes me want to say something very "narrow minded" - its like we're all so into trying to find whats wrong with the world and not being "ignorant" and being open minded and blah blah blah

00:15:27 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:15:06 forget whats actually important. whats Islamic. whats right and whats wrong

and in case this is seen as backbiting or something:


00:23:57 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:23:19 admin has the power to delete.

00:24:19 Ocean 00:23:57 BUT he doesn't moderate

00:25:28 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:24:19 he fixes problems, and deletes people/locks topics im sure if he felt strongly about this he could've acted

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Nice moves, is that what you would call, let me get it right, A Jilbaabi??

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc


Joie de Vivre wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:
Joie de Vivre wrote:
How about this is what happens when jihadis take your tribal lands and Islam is the only alternative to letting your family be killed?

would you care to elaborate?

Civil war in Somalia is in its 3rd decade, and jihadi rebels control large portions of the country where they impose Shariah law. It is considered that they have committed a huge genocide. Clearly the girls in this picture are complying with the dress code but what they do when the jihadis are not looking is totally inconsistent. I think before judging how Islamic they are you might consider their situation.

Joey are u talking out of knowledge or out of hearsay?
Somalis I know were saying that the only time a bit of stability & order started to return there was when 'Islamists' were in charge, before America resumed bombing & other destabilisation techniques. While I'm aware this view is equally subjective as the one peddaled to you by whatever lobby or thinktank informed you, the fact it was told to me by ppl who a) hav 1st hand knowledge of what they were talking about and b) disnt have a ideological agenda.
Also, I object to ur use of 'jihadis', it's not an English word or that of a language u speak, & i think u use it in a provocative way that distorts the actual meaning of the word. I can almost taste the spite that u type the word with.
If you're talking about tyrants, say tyrants
If you're talking about terrorists, say terrorists
If you're talking in English, don't use a politically charged Arabic word in an inaccurate & misleading way designed to cause confusion among young impressionable ppl.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc

What was in the video?
And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc

What was in the video?
And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??

if its something that is against islamic teachings/morals then why would you wanna see it/look at it?


TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc

What was in the video?
And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??

if its something that is against islamic teachings/morals then why would you wanna see it/look at it?

I thought u wrote an editorial called 'no taboo in islam' & published articles about haram things, to discuss maturely..

Has revival changed it's mandate?

Have u got funding from the MCB?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:

Joey are u talking out of knowledge or out of hearsay?

I know what I know from our free press and that's pretty much all I know about Somalia.
Somalis I know...

I appreciate this but you did just ask, annoyed, if I'm into hearsay.
...were saying that the only time a bit of stability & order started to return there was when 'Islamists' were in charge, before America resumed bombing & other destabilisation techniques.

I don't know about this. I wonder who your friends prefer in Sudan.

While I'm aware this view is equally subjective as the one peddaled to you by whatever lobby or thinktank informed you, the fact it was told to me by ppl who a) hav 1st hand knowledge of what they were talking about and b) disnt have a ideological agenda.

I don't have lobbies to inform me and you are losing my respect. I was adding context to this video, because clearly the Somali girls in that video did not find a bit of grinding as outrageous as the religious Muslims of the west, and the obvious explanation is they don't get a choice about dressing that way. I wasn't peddling.

Also, I object to ur use of 'jihadis', it's not an English word or that of a language u speak, & i think u use it in a provocative way that distorts the actual meaning of the word. I can almost taste the spite that u type the word with.

Can you? I can certainly taste yours! Sorry to be riling you.
If you're talking about tyrants, say tyrants
If you're talking about terrorists, say terrorists
If you're talking in English, don't use a politically charged Arabic word in an inaccurate & misleading way designed to cause confusion among young impressionable ppl.

I am referring to people who fight for a shariah state or khilafah by violent means, I don't mind if you want to call them terrorists or tyrants but I am being more specific really. If you support Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut Tahrir etc just come right out and defend them, don't be accusing me of lobby stuff, it's always pretty obvious where I'm coming from.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Ya'qub wrote:

And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??



#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

Joie de Vivre wrote:

I don't have lobbies to inform me and you are losing my respect. I was adding context to this video, because clearly the Somali girls in that video did not find a bit of grinding as outrageous as the religious Muslims of the west, and the obvious explanation is they don't get a choice about dressing that way. I wasn't peddling.

Actually no thats not necessarily that 'obvious' in or out of context. What was obvious was that they didn't understand the significance of the dress and thats what was being questioned.

I don't know if i'm completely missing the point or not but I think, When 'Jihadis' would clearly have a problem with the dancing too, I don't think it's THAT relevant that in Somalia people often get forced to wear certain clothes. It follows that those same people would be forced to not freemix and dance too and they're doing that so obviously they're free in that particular place and time to not wear those clothes and yet don't because they don't, as I said, seem to understand the significance of it.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

Joie de Vivre wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:

Joey are u talking out of knowledge or out of hearsay?

I know what I know from our free press and that's pretty much all I know about Somalia.
Somalis I know...

I appreciate this but you did just ask, annoyed, if I'm into hearsay.
...were saying that the only time a bit of stability & order started to return there was when 'Islamists' were in charge, before America resumed bombing & other destabilisation techniques.

I don't know about this. I wonder who your friends prefer in Sudan.

While I'm aware this view is equally subjective as the one peddaled to you by whatever lobby or thinktank informed you, the fact it was told to me by ppl who a) hav 1st hand knowledge of what they were talking about and b) disnt have a ideological agenda.

I don't have lobbies to inform me and you are losing my respect. I was adding context to this video, because clearly the Somali girls in that video did not find a bit of grinding as outrageous as the religious Muslims of the west, and the obvious explanation is they don't get a choice about dressing that way. I wasn't peddling.

Also, I object to ur use of 'jihadis', it's not an English word or that of a language u speak, & i think u use it in a provocative way that distorts the actual meaning of the word. I can almost taste the spite that u type the word with.

Can you? I can certainly taste yours! Sorry to be riling you.
If you're talking about tyrants, say tyrants
If you're talking about terrorists, say terrorists
If you're talking in English, don't use a politically charged Arabic word in an inaccurate & misleading way designed to cause confusion among young impressionable ppl.

I am referring to people who fight for a shariah state or khilafah by violent means, I don't mind if you want to call them terrorists or tyrants but I am being more specific really. If you support Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut Tahrir etc just come right out and defend them, don't be accusing me of lobby stuff, it's always pretty obvious where I'm coming from.

It seems you have a lot of time on your hands. Do you have any other jobs? Wink

What they happen to be doing 5 mins before the religious police show up is a lot harder for mujahideen to control than what they are wearing. Is mujahideen a better word? It is likely I will use a specific Arabic word unless Yaq'ub prefers some particular neologism like Islamist. Generally it seems they don't like being called terrorists and call themselves mujahideen. So what the hell?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:
What they happen to be doing 5 mins before the religious police show up is a lot harder for mujahideen to control than what they are wearing. Is mujahideen a better word? It is likely I will use a specific Arabic word unless Yaq'ub prefers some particular neologism like Islamist. Generally it seems they don't like being called terrorists and call themselves mujahideen. So what the hell?

Okay so being in the correct attire means a quicker getaway... You do know there's awareness and then paranoia? I seriously doubt that EVERY SQUARE INCH of Somalia is being covered by terrorists. Like seriously, is the only indication you get of the terrorists from that video that they are somalian? Who says its even IN somalia?!

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

YouShutup wrote:

It seems you have a lot of time on your hands. Do you have any other jobs? Wink

lol. You're being a dick. I have said what I think, and typing doesn't take me very long. I have two projects on my hands at the moment and a couple of things in the pipeline although sometimes that's where those things stay. None of it is political or involves me being on The Revival, or Mushroom Observer, or Conquer Club, or LGF, or Scott Adams' blog, or iPlayer, or any of the other websites I visit. Your comments and Yaq'ub's are very low accusations. I don't know who will buy it, but I'm upfront.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:

I know what I know from our free press and that's pretty much all I know about Somalia.

'free press' doesnt really exist. the role of the media is to build up a version of reality, and each journalist, let alone news organisation, has some sort of agenda.

not that this is necessarily a bad thing, its just one has to be careful in taking 'facts' on face value.


I appreciate this but you did just ask, annoyed, if I'm into hearsay.

eyewitness accounts, although limited and subjective, offer me more validity that secondhand, mediated press.

but this is a fair point, i havent seen things with my own eyes and am not pretending to be an expert.


I don't know about this. I wonder who your friends prefer in Sudan.

im talking about politically un-charged people who might not have much opinion, let alone knowledge, of sudan.
and im not saying these people agree ideologically with the islamists (for want of a better word), but were commenting on their day-to-day experiences under different rule.
They said it was more peaceful and things were beginning to run again, before US 'intervention'.


I don't have lobbies to inform me and you are losing my respect. I was adding context to this video, because clearly the Somali girls in that video did not find a bit of grinding as outrageous as the religious Muslims of the west, and the obvious explanation is they don't get a choice about dressing that way. I wasn't peddling.

u said u are informed by the press, and majority of news organisations are funded by and/or get their sources from lobbies et al. I was merely stating fact and dont think i accused u of peddling. (not even sure if i know exactly what u mean by it so dont want to comment unless maybe i was.)

Also, I object to ur use of 'jihadis', it's not an English word or that of a language u speak, & i think u use it in a provocative way that distorts the actual meaning of the word. I can almost taste the spite that u type the word with.

Can you? I can certainly taste yours! Sorry to be riling you.

i was upset by the connotations u seemed to be attaching to a word which in fact is quite an important part of my faith.
I don't remember doing this with yours, i disagree with Zionism but I don't think I've gone to far in criticism. correct me if Im wrong, I apologise if so.

If you're talking about tyrants, say tyrants
If you're talking about terrorists, say terrorists
If you're talking in English, don't use a politically charged Arabic word in an inaccurate & misleading way designed to cause confusion among young impressionable ppl.

I am referring to people who fight for a shariah state or khilafah by violent means, I don't mind if you want to call them terrorists or tyrants but I am being more specific really.

not at all. and if anything if ur understanding of jihad is that then u must think very little of a religion where that is an important part of it.
do u really think that that is what Islam is? If not, then 'jihad' must mean something different to ur definition.

it doesnt make sense to use an arabic word which you have chosen to attach to a very specific label.
especially since in the context of the Qur'an, a jihadi would be a praiseworthy individual, not someone who imposed their beliefs on others, ESPECIALLY not violently.

If you support Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut Tahrir etc just come right out and defend them, don't be accusing me of lobby stuff, it's always pretty obvious where I'm coming from.

is that what u really think? i can assure u i dont 'support' any of those groups. but it doesn't mean i would want them banned or not to participate in elections.

hope that clears things up, and also u understand why i'd appreciate u not using that word in that way (on here or generally in your life).

Don't just do something! Stand there.

MakeMeRawr_8TeenF wrote:

Okay so being in the correct attire means a quicker getaway... You do know there's awareness and then paranoia and then downright insanity? I seriously doubt that EVERY SQUARE INCH of Somalia is being covered by terrorists. Like seriously, is the only indication you get of the terrorists from that video that they are somalian? Who says its even IN somalia?!

The video is marked Somalia. I think my reading of the Islamic garb and the grinding is obvious. I will concede I don't know where the video came from, but omg omg omg that is so haraam they are a blight on the Islamic world does not explain it so well.

I don't think they dressed that way for a getaway, I just think they had better dress that way.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:
MakeMeRawr_8TeenF wrote:

Okay so being in the correct attire means a quicker getaway... You do know there's awareness and then paranoia and then downright insanity? I seriously doubt that EVERY SQUARE INCH of Somalia is being covered by terrorists. Like seriously, is the only indication you get of the terrorists from that video that they are somalian? Who says its even IN somalia?!

The video is marked Somalia. I think my reading of the Islamic garb and the grinding is obvious. I will concede I don't know where the video came from, but omg omg omg that is so haraam they are a blight on the Islamic world does not explain it so well.

I don't think they dressed that way for a getaway, I just think they had better dress that way.

You overreacted to their criticism as much as they overreacted to the video.

I don't know why people get offended about everything so easily but it's uncalled for. It's awful that there are terrorists there potentially forcing them to do things, but that wasnt the subject of discussion.

Just like Its bad that people think its okay to make islamic dress look silly when doing things like that (like the lady gaga cross thing offended christians) but that didn't mean it had to be censored out.

I really didn't know Somalia was in such a bad way till you said it though, so thanks for that.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #

Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc

What was in the video?
And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??

if its something that is against islamic teachings/morals then why would you wanna see it/look at it?

I thought u wrote an editorial called 'no taboo in islam' & published articles about haram things, to discuss maturely..

Has revival changed it's mandate?

Have u got funding from the MCB?

now that is out of order!


Ya'qub wrote:

'free press' doesnt really exist. the role of the media is to build up a version of reality, and each journalist, let alone news organisation, has some sort of agenda.

That has nothing to do with freedom to report. You are right that there are agendas, so I don't know how reliable are the estimates of a genocide of up to 400,000.


the islamists (for want of a better word)

So give me a better word. Islamists doesn't sit well on The Revival.


u said u are informed by the press, and majority of news organisations are funded by and/or get their sources from lobbies et al. I was merely stating fact and dont think i accused u of peddling. (not even sure if i know exactly what u mean by it so dont want to comment unless maybe i was.)

You didn't accuse me of that, sorry, you said I was swallowing what lobby groups are peddling. But I think the mention of lobbyists was meant as a slur. I do.


i was upset by the connotations u seemed to be attaching to a word which in fact is quite an important part of my faith.

OK. Do you also see yourself as a mujahid or can I refer to these people as mujahideen?

I don't remember doing this with yours, i disagree with Zionism but I don't think I've gone to far in criticism. correct me if Im wrong, I apologise if so.

In point of fact the word Zionism is ridiculously overused when referring to state actions and even neutrality. It isn't personal, I don't know when you have done that but essentially you just equated Zionism with much that you disagree with, and I am not at all sure that you can do that without twisting the term, since most people who support a peaceful Israel and a peaceful Palestine would acknowledge you could call them Zionists.

and if anything if ur understanding of jihad is that then u must think very little of a religion where that is an important part of it.
do u really think that that is what Islam is? If not, then 'jihad' must mean something different to ur definition.

If I talk to people who support Khilafah they refer to that as jihad. I am sick of being pulled up on this terminology over the years if you don't have a different word for it yourself.

it doesnt make sense to use an arabic word which you have chosen to attach to a very specific label.

It does if it is a commonplace term used by all parties.

especially since in the context of the Qur'an, a jihadi would be a praiseworthy individual, not someone who imposed their beliefs on others, ESPECIALLY not violently.

Right, that is your view. By all means say something to clear the conversation up. All I am getting is don't say that.

If you support Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut Tahrir etc just come right out and defend them, don't be accusing me of lobby stuff, it's always pretty obvious where I'm coming from.

is that what u really think? i can assure u i dont 'support' any of those groups. but it doesn't mean i would want them banned or not to participate in elections.

hope that clears things up[/quote]
It does, sorry for suggesting I knew what you think.

and also u understand why i'd appreciate u not using that word in that way (on here or generally in your life).

It explains why to some degree but it makes discussing the issues difficult. I don't know all the different factions fighting in Somalia. They are mostly fighting for Shariah and call it a jihad. :?


  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

MakeMeRawr_8TeenF wrote:

You overreacted to their criticism as much as they overreacted to the video.

I just put it in context.

I don't know why people get offended about everything so easily but it's uncalled for. It's awful that there are terrorists there potentially forcing them to do things, but that wasnt the subject of discussion.

Because people didn't know the video was from Somalia. But the discussion was missing context.

I really didn't know Somalia was in such a bad way till you said it though, so thanks for that.

Smile You're welcome. Yaq'ub found bias in what I've written so if there's more to this I apologise for not discussing that also.
  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
Video has been removed due to it being UnIslamic and because I have received several complaints.
In future think about what you post on her and if it fits Islamic morals etc

What was in the video?
And why do Muslims always want to ban everything??

if its something that is against islamic teachings/morals then why would you wanna see it/look at it?

I thought u wrote an editorial called 'no taboo in islam' & published articles about haram things, to discuss maturely..

Has revival changed it's mandate?

Have u got funding from the MCB?

now that is out of order!

So you DIDN'T write that editorial?

I don't know what was on the video so cant really discuss it, but I've seen people posting videos/documentaries of the effects of war crimes, forced marriages, honour killings etc.

If these are haraam too why weren't these videos taken down?

It seems really odd and/or hypocritical..

So that's why I asked if the Revival has changed in the last year or so...

And now asking questions is 'out of order' (!)

So that answers the question that the Revival has, indeed, changed.

Why did you want to change it? Is it to get funding or something?

If so, then that's ok, its you should really be open about who has influence.

Or not censure something without explanation

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:

If these are haraam too why weren't these videos taken down?

It seems really odd and/or hypocritical..

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Just to keep Ocean happy

00:09:07 Foysol89 00:07:54 you are failing to understand the bigger picture i think

00:10:18 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:09:07 the bigger picture could have been done without showing the actual picture

00:11:26 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:10:18 its an Islamic site, that is haram and goes against keeping that kind of sexual stuff a secret therefore it should have been deleted

this makes me want to say something very "narrow minded" - its like we're all so into trying to find whats wrong with the world and not being "ignorant" and being open minded and blah blah blah

00:15:27 ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE 00:15:06 forget whats actually important. whats Islamic. whats right and whats wrong

By all means make a point, start a discussion on something which affects the Ummah but do it in a respectable way. Linking to that vid just goes against the etiquettes of Islam, I think unlike the articles in the mags.

Like when the companions of the Prophet(saw) had questions about their personal life, when women had questions which would only affect them they went about it in a certain way. Some things are ok to be discussed openly in public, others aren't.

Whatever was shown could just be explained in some way or generally discussed - because, well I think anyway, the real issue isn't the girl's dress but what she's doing. She is not the first Jilbaabi (yes, Ripper, that is what she is) to do something like that is she? There are lots of hijabis and jilbabis doing wrong things, including sexual stuff - we all know that - so why advertise it. The dress shouldn't need to come into it especially as you could say "its good atleast she's covering up - better than being half naked too, right?" or Joey could be right and it may be the norm/she may have to wear it.

Either way, it's the actual act that is wrong and what must be questioned. Why are young Muslims, doing such disgusting things?

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
