Was i being too harsh?

yeah...i guess im using my blog for personal matters, but isnt that what it is for?

as much as i would love to stop time and live these days again and again. i can't
college changes you and we will meet new people and change our own personalities, IT'S NATURAL" <--this is a quote from HER previous email that i copy pasted into mine

"we're moving on" <-- need i comment on this?
you'd love to stop these days. that means you dont expect any of "these days" to happen again.
"we will meet new people" that means you think we're going to forget the old?
"change our personalities" that means we wont be compatible anymore?
"its natural" so its going to happen, no matter what? and we shouldnt try to do anything about it?

you better start expressing yourself better, lets start with something small, like rephrasing this first sentence. i'll expect something good

Friend: "we're moving on and we can't stop it" this is reality Sawsan HOW CAN YOU IGNORE IT?
yes, we can do something about it but WHAT CAN WE DO? YOU TELL ME
"change our personalities", we are growing day by day, we CHANGE but that doesn't mean lack of compatibility
"we will meet new people" well DUH we go somewhere new and we meet people
and we can only stay like this IF we bother to stay in touch
NOW LISTEN YOU,. we're gonna be working our butts off in the next few years, and we all do want to stay in touch (ignoring the ones who've already forgotten me and we haven't even properly cough cough)
but it IS gonna be hard, very hard
it's not like i'm being a spoilt sport or anything. i was just attempting to face the facts because, thinking about it 24/7 makes me depressed, i dont have time to be depressed right now with so much going on at home
so i though "maybe facing it will make me feels better" but it looks like i was wrong
I'm sorry for speaking my mind, i won;t do it ever again...

and over all, I'm sorry for everything.

me: im challenging the way you're thinking to make you open your eyes!
you're being negative! and from YOUR analysis of YOUR quote you just proved yourself that there is nothing wrong. "moving on, meeting new people" these arent bad things on their own, the way you say it make it sound bad.
"changing our personalities" didnt you mean something like "evolve" of course we're going to gain experience and become more mature etc...but what make us US wont change except if we want it too. it's all up to us. you say it like its something that we cant help and thats taking us over.
there is no big difference between thinking about it and facing the facts. you could just say i wasnt the best person to tell. but i think i was. because i think that if you chose me to open up to you must have your good reasons.

how did you speaking your mind affect my life is anyway? so why are you saying sorry?

saying "sorry for everything" is just taking the easy way out. making me feel guilty for being harsh with you and therefore dropping the subject.

but i guess i care about you too much. so i wont let you off the hook that easily. i just want you to know that i care. and that im not being cold. i'm just trying to act as the other side of the argument. to try and make you see the other side. because when we're too close to something, then we cant see the whole picture. and that goes for me as much as ever. I'm trying to be the one i needed to challenge me, before...a long time ago... But if you dont want me to, then i'll just be your friend. okay?
should i apologize? or...?


Atleast wait til you get to college before using it as a reason to say "college changes things"!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

say sorry for what? :S

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

For being too harsh =/

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?