What's your favorite poem for The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Mine: it's in Arabic
أبحبّ أحبابي ألام ***** لا والذي خلق الأنام
عيناي بعد فراقهم ***** ما ذاقتا طيب المنام
إني شغفت بحبهم ***** من قبل نطقي بالكلام
وأنا فطيم رضاعهم ***** والطفل يؤلمه الفطام
ياساكنين المنحنى ***** ظهري من الشوق انحنى
يا واقفين على الصفا ***** قلبي بكم نال الصفا
منوا بحق المصطفى ***** للصب في دار السلام
ذهب الذين أحبهم ***** فعليك يا دنيا السلام
لا تذكرون العيش لي ***** فالعيش بعدهم حرام
ألمٌ وهمٌ دائمٌ ***** من بعدهم نار ضرام
والقلب يحيا متعباً ***** والجسم أرّقه السقام
يا ربّ اجمع شملنا ***** داوي جراحات عظام
وأجب دعاء معذّب ***** يدعوك في جنح الظلام

what's your favorite one ?

check this and listen to what you want:

What does that poem say? translation?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

yep! translation please!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I wish I can translate it perfectly, cause may be I distort the intended meaning .
by the way you should learn something about the language of QURAN.

what about your favorite poem,I still have no answer?

well...i am trying to learn... ive been trying for more than half my life now...

and the song the people of Yathrib sand to the Prophet when he entered the city is a pretty cool poem/song

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I like the sound of the Qasidah Burdah?

I don't really know if it's about the prophet though
or what it really means

It's just very smooth and calming.

#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #