Career or Friends here it is.

It comes to choose your GCSEs or A levels or whatever qualification that you are doing.

And who looked at what their friends were doing before they made a concrete decision?

I don't usually..or never had a problem with things like that. I've always known what Iv wanted to do..knew what subjects to do. So something like that has never been a problem for me.

But I still have time to make lots of opportunities and choices.

And for some reason the career vs friends is starting to become something Im thinking about. head vs gut instincts.

What are your thoughts on making decisions and choices related academically or work?

Will your friends stay the same over time? Do friends stay friends, or do they drift apart naturally anyway?

Friends are a real concern, but most people would form new friends within their choices, so its more a question of how much you are willing people to drift apart.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Do you mean as in their personalities?

I know some will definitely take year outs.


No, I mean the people themselves. paths cross and diverge at different times with different people.

and it seems either way, next year will have some differences, so you must be aware of them when making decisions. its not a choice between what is now and what it can be, but between scenario A and scenario B, both of which are different from now, one more different than the other.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Friends ...depends on what your defintion of a friend is. Friends for me are those peoplee who i stayed in contact after highschool and during college and now after finishing college during uni ..those for me are friends

friends/people do change over time ..i remember parents saying during highschool days 'these people you call your friends wont be for long they'l take their seperate paths' which at the time i though 'nahh' and now im like 'yup' were completely right lol...some change for the better and some for the worse.

And answering the question posed lol friends vs subject choices etc ,,i personally did look at what other people were doing just to get an idea not exactly to copy others .. i had a my mind set on going into something IT related like programming or networking ..but then looking at the job market for IT related jobs are had second thoughts and even looking at it now im happy i didnt go into that field

but yh i looked at what the other guys were doin at A levels in my form class and even went to the length of choosing the same subjects as one my very good friends, but after coming to my sensed that human bio and chemistry wasn't for me i went into what i felt more comftorble with and alhamdulillah im happy with that decision and dont have any regrets (apart from taking psychology :lol:)

i now people who actually tried to copy exactly what other were doing.... didnt work out for them lol and they didnt even progress onto finishing A/S

i have little idea of whatr i want to do but i don't plan to follow my friends. They have sorted out what they want to do and all their Alevels are focussed on their career path so it would be silly of me to copy them. Even if they weren't i think i wouold still just think about what suits me and what i like rather than make my choice after looking at my friends.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

wednesday wrote:
If your head works better than your gut instincts stick with it...

But for how long do you have until you realise that you're head's trying to squeeze you in a one way pipe?

I'm not quite sure about the head squeezing into one way pipes..