FREE COURSE from Tayyibun Institute: 'Hajj Preparation 2008'- Dr. Khalid Khan 09/11/08

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
[SIZE=15]Hajj Preparation Course '08[/SIZE]
Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime.....[/B]


[I][B]A single day course preparing you and your family for that special journey of Hajj delivered by Dr. Khalid Khan (Islam Q & A)[/B][/I]

[B]Lecturer: [/B]Ustadh Dr. Khalid Khan (Islam Q&A)
[B]Date:[/B] Sunday 9th November 2008 (one day course)
[B]Timing:[/B] 2pm- 6pm
Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road)
London E1 2LR
Tube: Whitechapel/ Aldgate East
Bus: D3, 25, 106, 15, 115, 205, 254
Map: [url]

[B]Free Admission- Donations Welcome.
Open to all- Fully Segregated.
No advanced booking required, just attend on the day with pen and notepad.
Free Du'a Book (first 150 attendees)
Refreshment will be provided insha'allaah.[/B]

Wasalaamu Alaikum,

[B]Tayyibun Institute UK[/B]
[I]For the Teaching of Qur'an and Sunnah[/I]

[I]*Tayyibun Institute is a non-partisan organisation, we are not affiliated with any groups, Islamic organisations or mosques.
*Tayyibun maintain a full 100% segregation system.[/I]

[b]Reminder: [/b]This course shall take place this coming Sunday (9th of Nov.) insha'allaah.

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