Dozens killed in Pakistan attack

wednesday wrote:
isn't it getting pathetic now? (and boring!)

when has it ever not been pathetic? and boring maybe you just dont care.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

God forbid if it had been someone you knew Wednesday, you wouldn't have commented it as being boring mor would you have said 'to some extent I dont care. 40 humans have been killed, regardless of who they are Muslims/non-muslims, young/old we SHOULD care.

It's rather disgusting that people think it is okay to blow up innocent people, May Allah (swt) guide them the true path. It is not boring and it's not an issue that will just go away unfortunetly. May Allah (swt) give patience to the family who have suffered the loss of their loves ones.

Pakistan is just messed up
that country had so much potential
now look at it

1R4M wrote:
Pakistan is just messed up
that country had so much potential
now look at it

so did all the majority of the african countries

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

I know what Hizb-ut-Tahrir would say the solution is.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.


wednesday wrote:

isn't it getting pathetic now? (and boring!)

Not enough blood for you?

You are one sick individual, wednesday.!!

Marriott Hotel was is blown up and you say its boring!!

You must be into a lot of violent films?

I read about one guy who is even worse then you:

He said:

Pakistani leaders 'should have been at bombsite'.

It seems he wanted them blown apart.

This guy is really insane.

He wanted to see top political and mmilitary officers killed:

Pakistan's top leaders - President, Prime Minister and others were due to dine at luxury hotel destroyed in attack but changed their mind. They were to have attended a state dinner at Marriott hotel which was devastated in a suicide bomb attack on Saturday but changed venue at the last minute, it emerged today, said Rehman Malik.


We have been told in the hadeeth on the the return of Isa (AS) and the events that will occur and it seems many are becoming reality. When will Imam Mahdi (AS) bring upon this deteriorating world his presence ?.

I don't think Wednesday was making light of the people who have died in this, or any other, terrorist attack.

I though she was talking about the bombers who were pathetic, and boring. Ok, one bomb makes some sort of disgusting 'statement' but if you just keep killing innocent people over and over again then people just get immune to the notion of death and don't even take the bombings seriously anymore.

Its like the first time you get punched when you're a kid, it really hurts and you don't think anything will ever hurt like that again, but by the 8th or 9th punch in the face you hardly feel it anymore, you don't see face-punching as all that 'bad' and start punching other people in the face.

One thing I don't understand about this is, how come the guys in charge of these terrorist organisations don't become suicide bombers themselves? If they're so sure of the the 'reward' then surely they would be the first people to nominate themself... I think there is a song lyric that says 'Why don't politicians fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?'

In the words of Seraphim: 'hmmmm'

Don't just do something! Stand there.


Pakistani army shot down US plane - a drone on Monday, 22 September 2008.

This was second serious clash it had with US military.

At first US denied it lost a plane.

But when the Paki army said they found the wreckage, the US made a fast u-turn.

And Pakis?

Fearing US wrath, they also made a u-turn.

Now they said "We just found it like this. Maybe it was the tribal elders."

Really !!

Everyone knows everyone keeps changing the story.

No wonder the public does not trust anything politicians say.

For example, France says its 10 soldiers died fighting Talibans.
Now we are told French troops ran out of bullets, were captured and decapitated.

Which is right?

Old and new stories:

Pakistani troops twice opened fire to repel two US helicopter gunships:



Funzo wrote:
1R4M wrote:
Pakistan is just messed up
that country had so much potential
now look at it

so did all the majority of the african countries

well I was being specific to Pakistan

Where is the potential?

The people in general have a backwards mentality.

"Protest" means smashing up shops and anything else that can be found.

The "scholars" ... actually, lets leave this one off. it will offend a lot of people and it will just be pain hostile and probably partly unjustified. The jist? they are part of the problem. Even the good ones.

I don't think Pakistan has much potential. The majority of people just think wrong.

The worst thing? any problem, big or small, it is someone else's fault. Mainly the US. or India. or Israel. They take no responsibility.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

So what do you suggest they do?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.


The problem with air attacks from fighter planes is
that it can end up killing innocent people.

When this happens, the local population is pissed off and they begin to side with the terrorists.

Today I read that a top British Military Officer has said
that US and NATO will never win in Afghanistan. Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith admitted that
to omany mistakes have been made and now it is hopeless to turn the population against the insurgents.

Brigadier said yesterday: "We're not going to win this war in Afghanistan."

I think US needs to win hearts and minds of the local people if extremists are ever to be defeated.

There is no military solution.

Afhgan are too revenge oriented people. History proves this fact.
