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Seraphim, can i just ask what your display icon is and er is seraphim really a name?

no offence


Sumaiya wrote:
Seraphim, can i just ask what your display icon is and er is seraphim really a name?

no offence

Yes... im deeply offended by such a question. How dare you ask me such a thing? lol kidding.

Im surprised everytime someone asks me this and they dont know. No Seraphim is not my "real name" its just a screen name, but i suppose it could be a real name. Seraphims (or Seraph) are the highest order of angels mentioned in the Old Testament, said to have six wings.

As for my avatar, its an angel... sorta made sense.

Hope that answers your question... if not tuff.

Back in BLACK

Oh right, thanks so youre pics an angel? and youre a girl right?


Sumaiya wrote:
Oh right, thanks so youre pics an angel? and youre a girl right?

Angels are male, not female.

And he is a male too, otherwise Allah (swt) please forgive me (!)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Are you sure they're male? I mean youd imagine them as girls


Sumaiya wrote:
Oh right, thanks so youre pics an angel? and youre a girl right?

Im a guy.

Back in BLACK

Sumaiya wrote:
Are you sure they're male? I mean youd imagine them as girls

Jibreel, Mikael, Izrafil...

Male names.

I think your perception is from the Western, Christian tradition, which shows them as little cherubs.

I think in reality they are genderless.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I've been thinking about this for a long time and have never really got to an answer. Why is the Kaabah so holy and why do we pry to it? Why do we call it allahs house?


This is a separate topic in itself.

Pls open a new thread to discuss it.

Back in BLACK

1R4M wrote:
Amal wrote:

Perhaps you guys should consider writing an article in txt speech and abbreviations - considering that the Revival is geared towards reaching the youth (no, im not being patronising!) :--P Just throwing it out there..

yea but theyre not stupid
writing in text language n abbreviations is patronising
we dont wanna dumb down the audience

I think we're fine as we are

Is it patronising or is it innovative? Rather than being seen as dumbing down - I look at at as a unique and modern? method to write an article about Islam.. I thought taking this type of step would be a step further from the usual solid, bare, tyte, brap, ting, mint, shizzle ma nizzle, bruk, sorted, buzzin, seen, beef, blud, sound, wikid, legit, butters etc etc slang words that you wouldnt be surprised to see in a Revival magazine article Wink (something which I condone btw). A way to reach a different section of the young Muslim community, and make it even more accessible than it already is. It doesnt even have to be an entire article - maybe a small poem which also carries a good message?
Maybe I was pushing the boat a little too far here lol :doubt:

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

yea but theyre not stupid
writing in text language n abbreviations is patronising
we dont wanna dumb down the audience

I think we're fine as we are

Aaaah finally! lol You know what I totally agree, I like the fact that the Revival does use slang words because that really does reach out to the youth and speak to them in their own "lingo" (Not that I speak like that myself, I DETEST IT! Blum 3 ) But writing completely in text is really starting to have a negative effect, Im an English Literature student so I probably notice it more than anyone (and plus I have a lot of free time on my hands :P), but the amount of times I see spelling mistakes on the front of a shop on it's sign or a business advertisement or anything that is trying to be remotely professional, it is sooo scary! I dread to think what it will be like in another few years time :(... Sad lol.

afzana_javed wrote:

yea but theyre not stupid
writing in text language n abbreviations is patronising
we dont wanna dumb down the audience

I think we're fine as we are

Aaaah finally! lol You know what I totally agree, I like the fact that the Revival does use slang words because that really does reach out to the youth and speak to them in their own "lingo" (Not that I speak like that myself, I DETEST IT! Blum 3 ) But writing completely in text is really starting to have a negative effect, Im an English Literature student so I probably notice it more than anyone (and plus I have a lot of free time on my hands :P), but the amount of times I see spelling mistakes on the front of a shop on it's sign or a business advertisement or anything that is trying to be remotely professional, it is sooo scary! I dread to think what it will be like in another few years time :(... Sad lol.

But surely the most important thing is 'communication' rather than 'correct spelling', no?

If someone writes something and the meaning is clear, why should spelling even be an issue?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
afzana_javed wrote:

yea but theyre not stupid
writing in text language n abbreviations is patronising
we dont wanna dumb down the audience

I think we're fine as we are

Aaaah finally! lol You know what I totally agree, I like the fact that the Revival does use slang words because that really does reach out to the youth and speak to them in their own "lingo" (Not that I speak like that myself, I DETEST IT! Blum 3 ) But writing completely in text is really starting to have a negative effect, Im an English Literature student so I probably notice it more than anyone (and plus I have a lot of free time on my hands :P), but the amount of times I see spelling mistakes on the front of a shop on it's sign or a business advertisement or anything that is trying to be remotely professional, it is sooo scary! I dread to think what it will be like in another few years time :(... Sad lol.

But surely the most important thing is 'communication' rather than 'correct spelling', no?

If someone writes something and the meaning is clear, why should spelling even be an issue?

Professionalism. The articles are not just read by youngsters, they're ready by a much wider audience. Most of which will take issue with reading something thats written in text speech.
Presentation counts for something too you know.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:

But surely the most important thing is 'communication' rather than 'correct spelling', no?

If someone writes something and the meaning is clear, why should spelling even be an issue?

Professionalism. The articles are not just read by youngsters, they're ready by a much wider audience. Most of which will take issue with reading something thats written in text speech.
Presentation counts for something too you know.

I meant in terms of shop signs etc.

I agree the magazine should be spelt correctly to conform to society's norms. I just disagree with those norms.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

afzana_javed wrote:

Aaaah finally! lol You know what I totally agree, I like the fact that the Revival does use slang words because that really does reach out to the youth and speak to them in their own "lingo" (Not that I speak like that myself, I DETEST IT! Blum 3 ) But writing completely in text is really starting to have a negative effect, Im an English Literature student so I probably notice it more than anyone (and plus I have a lot of free time on my hands :P), but the amount of times I see spelling mistakes on the front of a shop on it's sign or a business advertisement or anything that is trying to be remotely professional, it is sooo scary! I dread to think what it will be like in another few years time :(... Sad lol.

Doesn't speaking in slang have a negative effect too? I doubt most spelling mistakes we see are a direct result of excessive texting. The excessive use of slang words also play a huge part, as does a person's schooling.

Just to play devil's advocate Wink - I don't think we can have it both ways - either remove all slang words from the magazine in an effort to ensure readers are not vulnerable to bad English; and are exposed to good sentances, grammar and such, OR make allowances for the use of text abbreviations (AND slang) - whats the difference between using slang words like tyte, 'coz, buff, butters and text abbreviations such as AOA, HAHA?

What is important is that the magazine is accessible and friendly, and that it offers a sphere of influence over it's readers. There is also nothing worse than a magazine that is out of touch with it's readers. We may spend endless time and energy writing content continually for a sustained amount of time. If the readers come back again and again only to find old, uninspiring outdated content or style, they won't be doing that much longer. To keep it fresh, new and inspring, we need to continually think of new creative, experimental and inventive methods to capture the audience. Maintain your position as a brave, open and unique magazine. Take braver steps, otherwise you run the risk of getting left behind. :!:

Give them a reason to stay around and subscribe Wink

Seraphim wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:

But surely the most important thing is 'communication' rather than 'correct spelling', no?

If someone writes something and the meaning is clear, why should spelling even be an issue?

Professionalism. The articles are not just read by youngsters, they're ready by a much wider audience. Most of which will take issue with reading something thats written in text speech.
Presentation counts for something too you know.

Where do you draw the line between accepting slang words and text abbreviations? Slang words (as used in the Revival) lack professionalism by definition as well - this argument is therefore flawed, right?

Content being well-written is a fundamental principle in ensuring that the magazine is read. However, I don't believe you will isolate the majority of readers by writing a small piece in text.

You guys may think that I am beating a dead horse here, but putting forward a good argument is my profession lol. Whether I agree with it is a different matter Wink

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

i actually agree wil Amal

i might even try a new section in the mag in txt... see how it goes.

most young ppl today communicate in txt

ppl will relate to it

i will have a brainstorm with the editorial team...lets see what happens...

thanks for the suggestion


Amal i thnk u shd rite txt msg style artikal & we'l use it if its gud. yeah?

Don't just do something! Stand there.
