Good Advice - Think Twice!

I thought we should have a thread for useful nuggets of information or wisdom that we come across. Let me get the ball rolling:

Ali ibn Abi Talib, radi Allahu 'anhu, stood with a companion of his near a grave one day and asked him, 'If he could come back to this Dunya, what do you think he would do?'

He replied, 'He would do nothing but good deeds.'

So Ali, radi Allahu 'anhu, said, 'If it is not going to be him, then let it be you!'

[color=green][b]It is useless to have a learned tongue but an ignorant heart. [/b][/color]

[b]-Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (ra)[/b]

[color=indigo][b]O disciple, knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge is void. Know that the knowledge which does not remove you from sins today and does not convert you to obedience, will not remove you tomorrow from hellfire. If you do not act according to your knowledge today, and you do not make amends for days gone-by, you will say tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection, 'Send us back and we will act virtuously!' And it will be replied, 'Fool! You have just come from there!'[/b][/color]

[b]- Imam al-Ghazali[/b]

[color=red][b]Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy.[/b][/color]


[color=blue][b]Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry
Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake
Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake
Laughter always follow tears
Blessed are those who understand
Life blossoms wherever water flows
Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown.
[b]- Rumi[/b]

Noor wrote:
[color=indigo][b]O disciple, knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge is void. Know that the knowledge which does not remove you from sins today and does not convert you to obedience, will not remove you tomorrow from hellfire. If you do not act according to your knowledge today, and you do not make amends for days gone-by, you will say tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection, 'Send us back and we will act virtuously!' And it will be replied, 'Fool! You have just come from there!'[/b][/color]

[b]- Imam al-Ghazali[/b]

Wasn't this guy against thinking?

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."

[i]Outlandish (Danish Nasheed Band)[/i]

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.