Family life

How many muslims do family activities on the weekend?

My observations suggest that asian muslims tend not to, as much as maybe, other, namely arab/white revert muslims do !!!!

We tend to in the summer. We used to get the whole family out to play footy (watching mom as the goal keeper was hilarious). I scored from the half way line.

Back in BLACK

You scored! now that is hilarious

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

i NEVER did this before coming Muslim. (i mean NEVER. Not once since I was in primary school age did i go ANYWHERE with my parents unless it was some one-off family thing that was wajib for me). It was so awkward cos I had nothing in common with them so it was just silent and cringey.

Since becoming a Muslim that has all changed, alhamdulillah! We miight still not 'go out' very often, and I only see my mum every few weeks since I moved out last year, but we make the most of our time together and we get on MUCH better than we used to.

But TBH I think Asian families are the closest, in my experience, especially Muslim, Asian families. A lot of it is cultural, but also becuase it is an Islamic duty to be dutiful to parents. You guys might not realise, but you are SO fortunate that kids respect their parents. If you compare it to white families, OMG you'd be in for a big surprise! How many times have you heard a 5 or 6 year old tell his/her mum to F off in the supermarket? I bet at least 90% of times it was a white kid. And, yeah, I hate the word, but they were a chav, right? right!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
i NEVER did this before coming Muslim. (i mean NEVER. Not once since I was in primary school age did i go ANYWHERE with my parents unless it was some one-off family thing that was wajib for me). It was so awkward cos I had nothing in common with them so it was just silent and cringey.

Since becoming a Muslim that has all changed, alhamdulillah! We miight still not 'go out' very often, and I only see my mum every few weeks since I moved out last year, but we make the most of our time together and we get on MUCH better than we used to.

But TBH I think Asian families are the closest, in my experience, especially Muslim, Asian families. A lot of it is cultural, but also becuase it is an Islamic duty to be dutiful to parents. You guys might not realise, but you are SO fortunate that kids respect their parents. If you compare it to white families, OMG you'd be in for a big surprise! How many times have you heard a 5 or 6 year old tell his/her mum to F off in the supermarket? I bet at least 90% of times it was a white kid. And, yeah, I hate the word, but they were a chav, right? right!

My dad calls me a chav sometimes, because I wear jeans and a hoodie. Now that's not a chav.
But anyway, I think I get a long a lot better with my dad than I used to, he's not as assertive as he was before.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

We have a very close knit family - always eat dinner together EVERY night without fail. Being out or sitting in your room/computer is not an option. Even if we're really really busy, we must take out 20min to eat together as a family.

When I was a kid we used to go on family holidays a lot - nationally and abroad (not just to Pakistan). Plus, we drive to B'ham and Manchester almost every holidays to see our extended family and usually do Eid together too.

We'd even go weekly/monthly shopping together - which we dont do anymore.

I shop with my sisters regularly, I fight with my brother daily and have heart to hearts with mum, I travel with dad every year.

We take an active interest/involvement in each others exams, driving tests, weddings and even parking tickets! Much to my annoyance privacy can be limited.

Its the little things that have kept our family together. And its stuff like that, that I wish to implement when I have my own family.