
Meeting under the Lamp post

It was a dark night in the city of London. Big Ben gonged loudly- its glowing face showed that it was twelve at midnight. Few cars traveled on the roads at this late hour. The numbers of people, though, were many- punks spray painting the once-spotless walls of the council flats, late night shoppers walking like zombies into the 24-hour superstores, drunken people singing the sorrows of their life to strangers, men wandering around aimlessly after being kicked out by their wives- yes, it was another night in London with people bustling about.

Guardian Angel - Chapter 1: Whispers In The Dark

By Adnan Adrees

In the not so distant future…

“As mankind becomes more dependant on the science of what they can see and understand; when the knowledge of the blessed becomes lost to the antiquities of time and the warnings of the coming age are seen as superstition, the world shall become susceptible to the lure of the false redeemer. Catastrophe shall befall as the towers of gold crumble to rubble and evil shall rise once more. When the cursed arrived, few shall see and even fewer shall believe. But even in the darkest of times there is still hope.”
