
How many of us wake up in a morning .........and pause for a moment spare a thought..........of how our fellow muslims are faring in the world around us many of us have shed a tear or two with concern ??????????? How many of us have made sincere duas to ask Allah to alleviate the suffering of muslims being oppressed around the Globe....

I will say..........that not many of us do...............why..........because the smell of scrambled eggs, mushrooms and beans on toast is toooooooooo distracting..............

Don't get me wrong...I'm not trying to put people on the spot......I'm probably the most guilty of this........... Cray 2 ........However, I would like the forum to assess the realities of life in true perspective.............

I do. Not constantly, but sometimes I do.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

i do. i make dua for palestine and the people in guantanamo bay. i make dua for my country too but i dont cry about it, i dont think they're as inocent as palestiniabs

"to allah we belong and to him we return"

Before i was married i thought about it, and prayed but i was more absorbed with my own life. what qualifications i was going for,job, socialising, friends, friends and friends. Since i got married i started thinking more about the unfortunate individuals out there. But once i had children that's when it really hit me. i've always cared about children, but i didn't notice small children or dote on them as much as i do now. So now when i hear about the uimaginable cruelities ppl inflict on children in this country and abroad it does fill me with anger and a sense of wanting to do humanitarian work to assist these individuals.

I think i focus more on the needy around me. Although i pray for my muslim brothers and sisters i won't lie and say i can understand their pain, because i cannot. They are a million miles away from me,i cannot fathom their pain or give them the genuine sympathy they are entitled to. But i can come to relate to the needy in the same country as me, and perhaps even do work to assist with the cause if i wished.

I do think about the struggles of muslims and the needy muslims, and pray that they have a better existance. But mostly i tend to think of the needy in general as a group rather than identifying them as races or religions etc. If we keep focusing on group isn't there a danger we will give all our charity to say muslims, and care little of what happened to those left in the rubble of the chinese earthquakes for example, or those starving in draught stricken areas in Africa?

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]