Imam Mahdi

The other day I watched a programme/speech of Sheikh ul Islam Tahir ul Qadri about the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

I reckon the speech was made in probably 2004/2005, nevertheless a very interesting and reassuring speech indeed.....!!!

What Sheikh ul Islam Tahir ul Qadri said was that the appearance of Imam Mahdi according to deductions from ahadith and various scholarly opinions was most probably to occur somewhere around year 2204 hijri.........which is around 800 years from now !!!!!!

However, I have heard that many other reputable ulema have stated that Imam Mahdi will appear very soon, probably within this century or next.

What I wish to ask is if anyone on this forum is aware of any difference of opinion on this subject possibly caused by interpretations of hadith.

The appearance of Imam Mahdi being sooner than 800 years seems more "rationally" possible in view of the modern day scenario of the world. But as i say, only "Rationally" possible/likely. Muslims of earlier centuries have endured greater trials and tribulations in nature than the muslim nation is now...i.e. Genghis Khan invading the muslim lands, etc...

Putting this scenario in the picture, would mean that it is possible that muslims will probably have to wait the appearance of Imam Mahdi for around 800 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting ????????????????????????????

They all lok at the hadith and interpret them the best they can.

They are all human, and may be right, or may be wrong.

But for looking at the hadith and trying their best they will all be rewarded.

I myself do not concern myself with this issue.

If the time comes during my lifetime I pray I will have the strength to see the truth. If I do not, then good too.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.