The delinquents of ISIS

The news is full about the horrendous acts of mass murder that occurred in Brussels on Tuesday.

Following the attacks, some commentators from the right or far right wing were quick to link the tragedy recent Syrian refugees which have recently arrived in Europe in large numbers. Some even suggested that those that supported a humanitarian response to the events in Syria had blood on their hands.

Today it has been confirmed that the bombers were Belgian citizens who had not travelled from Syria - one had attempted to travel but was arrested and then returned to Belgium by Turkey last summer. These individuals were delinquents already known by the Belgian Security Services for petty crime

These attackers are linked to Salah Abdeslam, the suspect linked to the Paris attacks that was arrested a few days ago.

One thing that links these new bombers is that like the attackers in Paris they were not known for their religious views. These were Petty criminals who did not have many religious affiliations will not known to be practicing Muslims are not known to be educated Muslims or no much about Islam

This seems to be a link between many indiivduals who are carrying out various attacks.

In a recent case, an arrested leader from the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram even failed to read the Qur'an!

While such groups and individuals often claim to speak for Islam, they are often ignorant of the religion and most do not even have a basic education of Islamic values and rights. These are often petty criminals who wants marginalised by Society.

There have been reports of Hostages taken by ISIS in Syria asking for a copy of the Qur'an and being denied it, with their captors often having no interest in reading the Qur'an or preaching Islam.

While a common assumption may be to think that Islam needs to be reformed to avoid extremism the problem is these people that are often responsible are ignorant and often uneducated about Islam. The scholarship of any individuals associated with such groups is also questionable.

Those that have been educated but about Islam are unlikely to fall into the same traps for coming the same heinous crimes.

I also question whether the domestic politics and agendas of the governing parties in Paris and Belgium have created an atmosphere that is more open to extremism. Both countries have in the past decade or so enacted laws that have targeted Muslims, most obviously by targetting and criminalising various forms of Muslim dress.

These laws were presented as an effort to combat extremism, but more often seen as a way of trying to assimilate and force change on Muslim communities. Instead what it seems to have done is alienate them allowing criminals and other individuals who have who had little to no previous interest in Islam, pushing them into seeking identity inthe marketing presented by organisations such as ISIS and in the past Al-Qaeda.


Good article and sums up some of the problems MSM ignores.

One thing that links these new bombers is that like the attackers in Paris they were not known for their religious views. These were Petty criminals who did not have many religious affiliations will not known to be practicing Muslims are not known to be educated Muslims or no much about Islam

This seems to be a link between many terrorists and beside bombers undertakers on civilians.

In a recent case, an arrested leader from the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram even failed to read the Qur'an!

I suppose it sums up a main problem, but raises a question. Opportunist Toe-rags who see an easy way to gain power and wealth. But who is behind it, and who is it that motivates these individuals and why?

This seems to be a link between many terrorists and beside bombers undertakers on civilians.

In a recent case, an arrested leader from the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram even failed to read the Qur'an!

I suppose if one wants to take up arms and overthrow an established regime or government. Can’t be bothered to use diplomacy or a ballot box. Then to use or hide behind a religion is one way of doing it. Islam is not unique in this.

Poke a dictator; be they despotic or benign, it makes no difference. Push the dictator too far and he retaliates, then you can play the innocent victim. When logically, one should work within the system that you live under and try to change it gradually. But this requires patience and a long-term plan.

Most of these so called religious fanatics, don’t appear to have a long-term plan, other then I want to change things now and I want to be the one in charge after?

 I also question whether the domestic politics and agendas of the governing parties in Paris and Belgium have created an atmosphere that is more open to extremism. Both countries have in the past decade or so enacted laws that have targeted Muslims, most obviously by targetting and criminalising various forms of Muslim dress.

I have said it before, when politicians, and people feel threatened they tend to lash out at what they think is a threat to them. I am not defending the Mohammed cartoons.

But the use cartoons of authority figures, be they religious, political and minority groups. Is embedded in western culture. Yes it may offend, but when a section of the community suddenly comes out of their ghettos and threatens [and commits] violence to people who apart from being westerners had no part in it.

I can give two examples 1] “Monty Pythons Life of Brian”, caused lots of Christian Clerics to get hot under the collar, but no one threatened to kill the Python team.

2] if you want to see really nasty and vile cartoons about religion, just take a look at some main stream Arab media about Jews.

At the end of the day, Islam may feel offended about some of the western culture. Western people can be equally offended when a section of the community tries to stop a practice that as gone on for centuries in the west by the use of fear and violence.

An all-powerful God is big enough to ignore criticisms from people. He must have a sense of humour, and in the end, if we believe God exists, God will have the final say.

As for dress codes being enforced by western governments. I think that you will find that western governments are not unique in this.

Following the attacks, some commentators from the right or far right wing were quick to link the tragedy recent Syrian refugees which have recently arrived in Europe in large numbers. Some even suggested that those that supported a humanitarian response to the events in Syria had blood on their hands.

I think you will find that it is the mainstream that is starting to ask questions about the influx of Muslim migrants, who appear to a] not want to accept western norms and b] want to live in Europe in a similar way has where they came from, and lastly. c] to use an accountants term .“Are no longer cost effective”. Whilst some Muslims do support themselves, many appear to just want to live on state benefits.

Hence the drip-feed of anti-migrant sentiment in MSM. Western governments are trying to balance their books and are starting to make decisions that affect the population in general. The result will be, once the cuts in public spending start to bite, who can we blame. Muslim migrants will be a soft, or not so soft option. Hence the new EU member states [eastern Europe] saying only Christians migrants, or non at all. Plus the rise of the Nationalist agenda to use mistakes by the German and Swedish Governments [open door policy] to gain power on the back of “If you don’t wish to accept western ways, then you are welcome to leave”.

Not to mention the more violence and disturbances in main land Europe, will bring more votes to leave the EU brigade. Bearing in mind as you mentioned the bombers were Belgian Nationals, religious fanatics, or petty criminals they have the right to come and live within the UK.


I dont consider the cartoons to be government political acts.

By government political acts I mean acts such as first banning headscarves in schools, then burkhas in public, then escalating it to other places of employment etc where wearing a headscarf would not hinder in any way the individuals job performance.

Acts such as these target the community and make it the "other". People in that marginalised community that previously well integrated and probably had a closer assimilation to the native population than their own immigrant community then are put in a position where alternate voices are possible to be heard.

I was actually surprised by the BBC today where it had some analysis of the motives of these attackers and interviewed the area they used to live in (Molenbeek's gangster jihadis). It also asked why Belgium was by far the favourite recruiting ground for ISIS in the Europe.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

By government political acts I mean acts such as first banning headscarves in schools, then burkhas in public, then escalating it to other places of employment etc where wearing a headscarf would not hinder in any way the individuals job performance.

In France and Belgium Burqas are banned, Whilst in the UK the only case i know was a woman refused to remove her Burqa when she was charged with an assualt. She was charged with contempt of court. 

But my understanding of Muslim dress codes, "are a woman must not dress imodestly so as not to excite the passion of a man?"

Does this mean that a Muslim as no idea of self control? This i find hard to believe, it is more then likely an excuse to get away with whatever?

Plus if you look around the world Muslim woman dress differently, not all wear Burqa's, some just wear a simple head scarf and Oh! a great sin wear a top, a pair of jeans and a headscarf.

Apart from the Burqa people may look sideways at it? But as for as being made to feel "other", most people just want to get on with their lives.

I dont consider the cartoons to be government political acts.

The Government don't usually make cartoons, what i am talking about is the individuals rights to make cartoons. Some may be seen as offensive, then again we have such a thing as freedom of speech. The only exception is the Libel laws. I remember in clubs at the hieght of the IRA bombing campaigns on the mainland, a common joke went this way.

The Comedian asks the audience, "anybody here from Ireland,"

If a man answers Yes, I am.

The responce from the comedian was usualy, "All of you keep an eye on him, if he gets up to leave, then we all leave."

Imagine how one felt if one was Irish?

I have attached a few kinks to satirical examples of what i mean about cartoons about religion. As i said before. If you truly believe God does exist, then he will have the final say.


Doing the vatican Rag

Join Islam

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I find it sad that Joh Cleese when asked would he make a film about Islam in a similar manner to films he made about Christianity.

His reply was "No, he did not want to be killed."  

A Selection Of Scenes From Monty Python's Life Of Brian
'Spanish Inquisition' Compilation - Monty Python's Flying Circus



The burkha is one form of meeting (and beating) requirements of modest dress code.

The Qur'an when mentioning the need for a modest dress code does not mention that it is to "not exicte men" - that has been considered by some a previously unmentioned side benefit.

When muslims have been faced with nudity, the commands have been clear - lower the gaze.

Whether a certain type of dress is required to comply with religious obligations or not, it sends a bad message to the community if their dress code is banned. It shows the community they are not welcome and even the suggestions of female empowerment are hypocritical as its mostly men telling women what not to wear.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I am not an expert of modest dress sense for Muslim women, but here is someone who is.

As i said before, the only problem i have is with a Burqa, people read facial expressions and secondly, I have seen someone driving a car in a Burqa? Can this be safe?

Not to mention certain people were certain types of dress to get noticed, for many reasons. Two i can think of "look at me i am a Muslim, have you a problem with that".

The second western girls wear short skirts, maybe low cut tops, Muslims say these are sluts, whores, when it is just the way western women dress. Remember the saying "when in Rome etc".