What I learned 22/7/12

I was looking up further to the "smelly breath" post re the brushing of teeth during the day and I learned:

We ARE allowed to use toothpaste during the day while fasting as long as the toothpaste and it's taste stay out of the throat.

Also - the fast only breaks from bleeding gums if the blood overwhelms the saliva and gets to the throat. If this does not happen and there is only a little bit of blood, your fast is not affected.


Precaution is vital.


I really wouldn't risk it.
Your breath can smell THAT bad :/ I've rarely had a problem with smelly breaths when being amongst fasting people. Maye you're getting too close to the person you're talking to, if it is a problem.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi