August 20th - Chapter 5: The Etiquette of Du'a (final part)
19. To Say Amin
When a person is listening to someone else making du'a, it is recommended the he says Amin, which means 'O Allah! Accept (or respond) to this du'a. It is like repeating the du'a all over again through the use of just that small phrase.
To say Amin after reciting Surah al-Fatihah is encouraged, regardless of whether one is praying, or reciting it outside the prayer, and regardless of whether one is the Imam or the follower. At all such times Amin should be stated with an audible voice
When Musa prayed to Allah to punish Pharaoh, it is said that Harun was behind him saying Amin. Yet even though Musa was actually the one who made the du'a, Allah said in the Quran: "Your (both of you) prayers have been answered!" - Surah Yunus
Mistakes in pronounciations:
1) Prolonging the alif - Aaaaaameen
2) Making the alif too short - Ameen. The length of
the alif should be 2 harakas (Aameen)
3 Placing an assimilation (shadda) on the meem so it becomes Ammmmeen
As for the last syllable it is permissible to shorten it to harakahs or pronlong it upto 6 (Ameeeeen)
20. To Make Du'a at All Times
In other words, du'a should be done at times of ease and hardship. Many people have a bad habit of only praying when a calamity befalls them, or when they wish for a particular good to occur. This goes against the attitude of the believer, for a true believer always remembers Allah. The prophet(saw) stated:
"Whoever wishes that Allah responds to his du'a at time of hardship, then let him increase his du'a at times of ease!"
21. To Make Du'a for All Matters
Another common mistake is that many people fall into is that they only ask for matters that are of great importance to them. However Allah should be asked for every matter large, or small because everything occurs by Allah's Will, no matter how trivial.
Aisha(ra) said: "Ask Allah for everything, even if it a shoe-lace, because if Allah does not make it easy then it will not be possible."
22. To Make Du'a Plentifully
The prophet(saw) said: "When one of you asks for something(from Allah), then let him be plentiful (in what he asks for), for indeed he is asking his Lord."
23. To Make Du'a When One is in a Condition of Response
There are certain conditions during which a person's du'a is more likely to be responded to, so the wise person utilises these situations and conditions whenever he is capable of doing so.
Discussed later on
24. To Make Du'a at the Times of Response
This will be discussed in a later chapter
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
condition like what?
btw the title says part 6 instead of part5
oh and you should add a tag like 'dua' for all these topics so that they can be found more easily when using the search engine. Then again the search engine can be pretty lame...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
oops sorry! thought id mentioned it. Like times of response its discussed in a later part of the book (chapter 8 ). It IS part 6, but chapter 5 of the book. noted about the tags, thanx
edit: @ Jim Bob, what did u learn?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Errmm jus the 'Aameen' thing. Lol
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I'm assuming like conditions as in a fasting person? And there are also other states a person could be in where the dua is more likely to be accepted eg. Ittikaaf, a person at times tahajjud. I'm sure the book will go in detail. Looking forward to it.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
yup, pretty much. just gotta hold on thaat much longer.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
and also when travelling.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?