Was the BBC coverage of the Flotilla biased?

I did send them an email when it happened, and I have a response from them:

Thanks for your e-mail.

I understand you feel that coverage of the 'Freedom Flotilla' was biased towards Israel.

The BBC places very high importance on achieving impartiality in its coverage of the Middle East and all other issues and strongly rejects allegations of bias for or against either Israel or the Palestinians.

BBC News has given considerable coverage to the point of view of the activists on board the flotilla and that of Palestinians. For example, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan was interviewed from one of the ships in the flotilla as well as relatives of people on board the ships. The founder of the Free Gaza movement, Dr Eyad Sarraj and Claudio Cordone from Amnesty International have also featured in our output. We carried an interview with Hasan Noworah, a British citizen (originally from Ramallah) and chairman of the Justice for Palestine Centre in Glasgow. He was on one of the ships in the convoy and after he returned to the UK he told us of the moment his ship was confronted by Israeli officials in international waters.

Interviews with Palestinians have included the Palestinian human rights lawyer, Diana Buttu, the adviser to the Palestinian President ,Sabri Saidam; presidential aide Nabil Sha'ath; the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and senior member of Hamas, Aziz Duwaik; and Palestinian Legislative Council members Hanan Ashwarai and Mustafa Barghouti.

I appreciate that you feel strongly about this and so with this in mind I'd like to assure you that I've registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us with your concerns.

Kind Regards

[Name Deleted]

I got a reply to only not as big as yours.

Dear Miss

Reference 112080

Thanks for your e-mail about BBC News.

I understand you had concerns with regards to coverage of the Freedom Flotilla and I note your reference to bias.

The BBC strongly rejects allegations of bias for or against either Israel or the Palestinians.

Impartiality is a cornerstone of our reporting and our editors and reporters are committed to achieving the highest of standards for our coverage of the Middle East. On this story we have been careful to report a range of perspectives and we have broadcast a number of interviews with both Palestinian and Israeli contributors.

I do acknowledge this is an issue which you feel strongly about and I can assure you we appreciate your feedback. Your comments have been fully registered on our audience log which is made available to all members of the BBC, including the news teams and senior BBC management.

This ensures that your comments and others we receive are considered across the BBC.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards
